Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​Division of Physiotherapy

Service Learning Projects

The service learning projects each take place in one of the Community placements namely Stellenbosch, Worcester, Robertson and Bishop Lavis. Each project has 2 or 3 students working on it at any one time during the Clinical programme.

The projects for 2015 are as follows:​



Avian Park:

Aim: To create a sustainable area for children of Avian Park to partake in exercise or sporting activities after school on a more regular basis.

The original aim has changed due to the Worcester Municipality taking on the task of building a sports field in Avian Park. The project aim is to organize a sports day for the primary school children in Avian Park. This is being done in conjunction with a number of community partners in particular the Primary School in Avian Park. Funding from local businesses has been obtained to help with the purchase of oranges and snacks for the children.



The aim of this project is to enhance/ develop a healthy lifestyle within the members of the Zwelentemba community with special focus on the elderly and disabled children within the community.

This project organizes a Big Walk and Health Promotion day annually. The whole day is planned with community partners and includes a marching band from the Primary School, police help with the traffic etc. The home based carers and the Clinic nurses  will help with the health screening of participants. Funding has been obtained to provide soup and snacks for the participants.



The  Service  learning  project in the community of Robertson will aim to empower  the  Home-based Carers (HBC) to educate them will regards to the pathology, self care and referral, in order to improve the Quality of life of the patient.

This is done on a weekly basis, and topics that are discussed are those chosen by the home based carers. A booklet for each topic is being complied so as to leave the pamphlets etc . for use when the students are not present.



Legacy Centre

The  aim for the year will be: To develop, empower, and train the sports facilitators to be able to conduct a comprehensive warm-up and cool-down and encourage more interest and participation in a wider variety of sports.

This project works with the local sports facilitators who have little knowledge of exercise and sport and enables them  and the children to improve their performance and introduces new possibilities for games and exercise as well.


Antenatal Classes:

Aim: Develop an antenatal program for mothers with HIV, which will educate them regarding a healthy lifestyle, relating to STD's, pregnancy and early infant development.

This is a new programme which is designed to educate mothers and to fit into the First thousand days programme which the Department of Health is using.

Bishop Lavis:

Volunteer training

"The SLP in the Bishop Lavis community will focus on the transfer of knowledge, practical skills and management skills to the volunteers who facilitate exercise classes within the Bishop Lavis community."

Bishop Lavis Rehabilitation Centre has a number of community volunteers that help with some of the groups at the Centre. Part of the Volunteer training is done by the students who teach them skills and knowledge on topics of the volunteers' choice. This is ongoing at the moment.​