​​​​​Division of Molecular Biology and​​ Huma​​n Gen​​e​​tics​​ ​ ​​ ​


The DAAD In-Region Scholarship Programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development. To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related Master or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and/or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa. ​

It has been agreed upon that DAAD cooperates with the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics (MBHG) at Stellenbosch University, by offering up to 5 In-Region Scholarships for MSc studies and up to 4 In-Region Scholarships for PhD studies at MBHG

The target group for scholarships are graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) who want  to participate in a study programme (MSc or PhD studies) at the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics.

The​​ DAAD scholarship applications for study in 2023 are currently CLOSED

Applications for study in 2024​ will open early February 2023.