Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
The DAAD In-Region Scholarship Programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development. To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related Master or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and/or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa.
It has been agreed upon that DAAD cooperates with the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics (MBHG) at Stellenbosch University, by offering up to 5 In-Region Scholarships for MSc studies and up to 4 In-Region Scholarships for PhD studies at MBHG
The target group for scholarships are graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) who want to participate in a study programme (MSc or PhD studies) at the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics.
The DAAD scholarship applications for study in 2023 are currently CLOSED.
Applications for study in 2024 will open early February 2023.