Division of Molecular Biology & Human Genetics
Mycobacteriology: Host-Pathogen Mycobactomics
Research overview
The overall research goal of the Stellenbosch University Host-Pathogen Mycobactomics group is to gain a better understanding of how the pathogen
Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with its host to cause disease. To achieve this, we use molecular mycobacteriology and infection models together with data-rich "omics" methodologies such as whole genome sequencing, transcriptomics, proteomics and cytomics. These methods are underpinned by computational approaches. Specific research areas include: (a) advancing our understanding of TB host-pathogen interactions, with a particular focus on persistent mycobacteria, (b) elucidating the biology PE/PPE proteins of
M. tuberculosis, and (c) developing new host-directed nanoparticle therapies for TB.