Animal TB Group September 2022

(back from left: Dr Tanya Kerr, Pamela Ncube, Dr Léanie Kleynhans, Dr Abisola Okunola, Dr Wynand Goosen; Candice de Waal, Pamela Ncube; front: Prof. Michele Miller, Rachiel Gumbo, Charlene Clarke, Rebecca Dwyer; missing: Debbie Cooke, Maureen Kamau, Guy Hausler)
Animal TB Group February 2020

(back from left: Charlene Clarke, Dr Tanya Kerr, Prof. Michele Miller, Dr Wynand Goosen, Dr Léanie Kleynhans; Middle: Tina Meiring, Jos Chileshe, Sam Goldswain, Candice de Waal, Pamela Ncube; front: Rebecca Dwyer, Kat Smith, Rachiel Gumbo; missing: Debbie Cooke)
Animal TB Group December 2019

(back row from left: Dr Léanie Kleynhans, Sam Goldswain, Dr Tanya Kerr, Dr Wynand Goosen; front: Kat Smith, Jos Chileshe, Rachiel Gumbo, Tina Meiring, Prof. Michele Miller)
Buffalo TB testing in Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park.
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Prof Michele Miller, Dr Netanya Bernitz, Dr Tanya Kerr and Candice de Waal (left). Candice, Netanya and Tanya processing samples in the lab (right).
Lab action: Jana van Heerden doing DNA extractions (left) and qPCR (right) for the Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) study. Read about the project here: Animal TB Student projects

Blood stimulations for the felid study: Animal TB Student Projects

Rachiel Gumbo working on the ELISA development for the felid study.
7th International M.bovis conference

Participation of Dr. Tanya Kerr, Dr. Wynand Goosen and Prof Michele Miller at the 7th International M.bovis conference in Galway, Ireland (7-10 June 2022)
World TB Day 2022

For World TB Day (24 March 2022) we took pictures of our group members with the local currency to support the campaign to encourage world leaders to #investtoendtb and #savelives 💵💶💷💴
UCT One Health Special Study Module
Dr Wynand Goosen, together with Dr Stefan Opperman and Dr Sarishna Singh from the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS), presented a series of set lecturs to UCT's Faculty of Health Sciences 3rd year MBChB students for a Special Study Module about TB One Health. This content focused on how the Animal TB Research Group, in collaboration with the NHLS in Greenpoint, uses novel techniques to look for zoonotic Mycobacteria spp. in people from the Western Cape.

Two UCT 3rd year MBChB students, Ms Camryn Ferns (Left) and Mr Ramses Peigou Wonkam (middle) attended a job shadow opportunity with Dr Wynand Goosen (Right) in the Animal TB Lab.

During this initiative, the students performed end-point PCRs, real time PCRs and subsequent amplicon sequencing on patient samples in order to identify which Mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis may be causing human disease. These are real patient case studies, for which the results will be written up for publication.

4 April 2022:
The journal, Animals, is having a "Best cover" competition and we have one in the running! It's called: "Combining Analytical Approaches and Multiple Sources of Information to Improve Interpretation of Diagnostic Test Results for Tuberculosis in Wild Meerkats" Please vote for the meerkat cover!

Presentation on elephant TB for the International Elephant Foundation conference in 2019 by Prof. Michele Miller:
Bovine TB testing on buffalos in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi national park:
Prof Francisco Olea-Popelka articles and videos:
Lion TB: