Statistics and Actuarial Science
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Hoe word ek 'n Aktuaris

Om 'n aktuaris ('n Genoot​ van die Aktuariële Vereniging van Suid-Afrika - 'n internasionale erekende kwalifikasie) te word moet jy tans die volgende stel eksamens slaag (Aangesien hierdie 'n internasionale kwalifikasie is word hier gehou by die internasionaal aanvaarde Engelse benaming van die verskillende dele en vakke soos gebruik deur Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in Engeland.):

Aktuariële Vereniging van Suid-Afrika

​Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK)

Deel A1 (Foundation Technical)

​A101​CT3Probability and Mathematical Statistics
​A103​CT2​Finance and Financial Reporting


Deel A2 (Intermediate Technical)

​A201CT1Financial Mathematics
​A204CT6Statistical Methods
​A205CT8Financial Economics


Deel A3 (Core Principles)

​A301 CA1​Actuarial Risk Management



Deel F1 (Fellowship Principles) Enige twee vakke van:

​F101​ST1​Health and Care Principles
​F102​ST2​Life Insurance Principles
​F103​ST3​General Insurance Principles
​F104​ST4​Pension and Other Benefits Principles
​F105​ST5​Finance and Investment Principles
​F106​ST9​Enterprise Risk Management


Deel F2 (Fellowship Applications) Enige een vak van:

​F200​SA0​Research Option
​F201​SA1​Health and Care Applications
​F202​SA2​Life Insurance Applications
​F203​SA3​General Insurance Applications
​F204​SA4​Pension and Other Benefits Applications
​F205​SA6​Investment Applications
Plus enige een van:
​F211​P1​Health and Care Practice Module
​F212​P2Life Insurance Practice Module
​F213​P3​General Insurance Practice Module
​F214​P4​Pension and Other Benefits Practice Module
​F215​P6​Investment Practice Module


Deel F3 (Fellowship Professionalism Skills)​​

​A401​CT9​Business Awareness Module
(a two-day course)
​A402​CA2​Model Documentation, Analysis and Reporting
(a two-day course)
​F303​Fellowship Work-based Skills (completed as one builds up suitable work-based experience)
​F304​Fellowship Professionalism Course
(a two-day course)