Division of Surgery
Breast and Endocrine Surgery
Clinical services:
Please refer to www.tbhbe.org.za for more information on referral pathways.
Dr SR Čačala
Head: Clinical Unit: Breast and Endocrine Surgery
BSc (Auckland), MBChB (Auckland), FRACS
Email: shas-cacala@sun.ac.za
Prof KJ (Karin) Baatjes Specialist Consultant: Breast and Endocrine Surgery / Head of Division: Clinical Anatomy
MBChB(Stell), MMed(Surg)(Stell), FCS(SA), PhD(Surgery)
Research interests: oncology and genetics; personalised medicine; pharmacogenetics; psycho-oncology.
Ardent clinical educator, with a special interest in the role of blended learning in clinical medicine.
Career perspective : Clinician- scientist and health professions educationalist, in the global domain.
Dr W (Ilna) Conradie
Specialist Consultant: Breast and Endocrine Surgery
MBChB(Stell), MMed(Surg)(Stell), FCS(SA), FEBS (Endo)
Interests: Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal surgery.
Aims to improve access to endocrine surgical care and empowering patients with knowledge and understanding of their disease process. Focuses on teaching and training in the field of endocrine surgery.