Paediatrics and Child Health
Welcome to Stellenbosch University


Department of Paediatrics & Child Health

Service Delivery - Subspecialist Paediatrics



The PICU consists of a 10 bed ICU and 4 bed high care unit. The unit admits approximately 650 infants and children per annum with infectious diseases being the main indication for admission. The PICU has access to highly sophisticated ventilatory and support equipment.

The Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) manages critically ill patients in the A9 Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with 10 beds; the A9 Paediatric High Care Unit (PHCU) with 4 beds and the A9 Tracheostomy Unit (TU) with 6 beds. The PICU provides critical intensive care to patients in various disciplines of paediatrics and paediatric surgery. This includes general paediatrics, neonatology (limited number of patients), cardiology, neurology (including muscular disorders), pulmonology, gastroenterology, oncology and haematology, nephrology, paediatric infectious diseases, endocrinology and metabolic problems, neonatal surgery, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery (limited), orthopaedic and spinal surgery and trauma surgery (limited.)

The Unit is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a training unit for the Certificate in Paediatric Critical Care.