Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
The Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD) provides students with free and confidential individual and group counselling sessions for challenges ranging from anxiety, tension, home or university trauma and loss, low self-esteem to alcohol and substance abuse. Dedicated professional staff are available to assist all student at Tygerberg campus.
Before registered counsellors can direct you to the correct form of therapy or group intervention, they need to conduct a thorough screening to conclude what challenges you are experiencing and how they can best help. To make an appointment contact the CSCD Psychotherapeutic and Support Services Unit (PTSS) on 021 938 9590 or e-mail supportus@sun.ac.za.
Short-term individual counselling or therapy is offered to SU students only. Once you have been screened and depending on the nature of your challenge, the counsellor or psychologist will work with you to find the best possible solution.
Certain challenges are better managed in a group setting, where you can find support from peers who are experiencing similar problems or challenges. During screening, if appropriate, the counsellor will advise you on the group process and make the necessary referral.
Additional services include online psychological skills training facilitated by professional and trained psychologists at the CSCD. These skills are grounded in cognitive behavioural therapy and will assist students in dealing with depression and anxiety. To find out how you can be part of the training group sessions visit the PTSS website.