Molecular Biology Human Genetics
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Division of Molecular Biology and​​ Huma​​n Gene​​tics



Take note of the following closing dates: 

1 March: MBHG MSc and PhD pre-applications OPEN
1 June: Official Stellenbosch University postgraduate study applications for the following academic year OPEN
1 June: Applications for residence for the following academic year OPEN

​31 July: Applications for residence for the following academic year CLOSE
31 August: Official Stellenbosch University postgraduate study applications for the following academic year CLOSE (International Students ONLY)
30 September: Official Stellenbosch University postgraduate study applications for the following academic year CLOSE (South African citizens ONLY)
30 September: MBHG MSc and PhD pre-application process CLOSE (International AND National students)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There is no specific closing date for the MMed programme applications. When a registrar post becomes vacant at the Department of Health, you apply for that position. If you are successful, you will then be admitted to the MMed programme.​

See the postgraduate funding page for funding application deadlines.