Focus of School For Human Resource Development:
The School aims to develop the potential of members of the South African National
Defence Force. The content of the school are theoretically based with modules
in Industrial Psychology, Commercial, Criminal Law, English Studies, Computer
Literacy, Academic Writing, and Management of Cultural Diversity.
The School focuses on themes like Leadership Development, Management of
Cultural Diversity, Operational Psychology, Peacekeeping Psychology, Criminal
and Military Law, Research Methodology and Statistics, and Critical Reading,
Thinking, Speaking and Writing. It is therefore developed for future
Commanders, and junior and senior Intelligence-, Personnel- and Operational
The school provides the student with knowledge and skills to orientate him/her
in, and prepare them for the setting in which the military in general and the
officer in particular, operate; and endeavours to lay the foundation for
life-long study with a view to sustained professional and personal development.