​​Scientia Militaria - South African Journal of Military Studies​

Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies is published bi-annually by the Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University at the South African Military Academy. The journal is a South African Department of Higher Education accredited scholarly journal.  It accepts and publishes scholarly articles on a broad spectrum of matters and issues relating to military, defence, and security.  This includes notions such as human security and conflict studies and civil-military relations affairs in South Africa, Africa and further afield.  Scientia Militaria is an interdisciplinary journal and publishes discipline-based and inter-disciplinary research that falls within the ambit of the focus of the journal on the military, defence and security domains.

In order to comply with the requirements of the Department of Higher Education and to ensure that articles are of a high quality, all submissions are refereed (peer-reviewed) by at least two experts in the field.  Refereeing is done with complete anonymity and confidentiality.  Articles published in Scientia Militaria qualify for a subsidy from the South African Department of Higher Education.

The history of the journal spans more than forty years.  It was first published in 1969 as an in-house journal of the South African Defence Force under the auspices of the military archive division of the Department of Defence.  In 1997 it was relocated to the Military Academy and Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Military Science.  Since 1998 it is a peer-reviewed Department of Higher Education accredited journal.  All the articles published since its inception in 1969 is available online at


Current Editor:

Dr Evert Kleynhans

Senior Lecturer Military History
Faculty of Military Science
Stellenbosch University

Email: kleynhans@sun.ac.za​

Office: +2722 702 3102​

The Editorial Advisory Board consists of highly rated international and South African peers from various disciplines. 

Postal Address:

The Editors, Scientia Militaria, Faculty of Military Science (SA Military Academy),

Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X2, Saldanha 7395, South Africa

Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies is available online at http://scientiamilitaria.journals.ac.za/pub or

Click here to view the research journal.

Resources: ​Joint Operations Division - Coffee Table Book