Respiratory Research Unit​

Recent publications



Journal articles

  1. ALI AT, FERRIS WF, PENNY CB, VAN DER MERWE M-T, JACOBSON BF, PAIKER JE, CROWTHER NJ. Lipid accumulation and alkaline phosphatase activity in human preadipocytes isolated from different body fat depots. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (JEMDSA) 2013; 18(1): 58-64.
  2. ALTEER M, ASCOTT-EVANS BH, CONRADIE M. Leiomyoma: a rare cause of adrenal incidentaloma. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (JEMDSA) 2013; 18(1): 71-74.
  3. ANDERSSON MI, PREISER W, MAPONGA T, HEYS I, TALJAARD JJ, VAN RENSBURG CJ, TEDDER RS, IJAZ S. Immune reconstitution hepatitis E: a neglected complication of antiretroviral therapy in Africa?. Aids 2013; 27: 487-492.
  4. BADENHORST J, VAN RENSBURG CJ. Alcoholic liver disease. The South African Gastroenterology Review 2013; 11(1): 25-32.
  5. BAUMANN R, KAEMPFER S, CHEGOU N, NENE N, VEENSTRA H, SPALLEK R, BOLLIGER CT, LUKEY PT, VAN HELDEN PD, SINGH M, WALZL G. Serodiagnostic markers for the prediction of the outcome of intensive phase tuberculosis therapy. Tuberculosis 2013; 93: 239-245.
  6. BLANCKENBERG J, BARDIEN S, GLANZMANN B, OKUBADEJO NU, CARR J. The prevalence and genetics of Parkinson's disease in sub-Saharan Africans. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2013; 335: 22-25.
  7. BOYLES TH, BAMFORD CM, BATEMAN K, BLUMBERG L, DRAMOWSKI A, KARSTAEDT A, KORSMAN S, LE ROUX DM, MAARTENS G, MADHI S, NAIDOO R, NUTTALL J, REUBENSON G, TALJAARD J, THOMAS J, VAN ZYL G, VON GOTTBERG , WHITELAW A, MENDELSON M. Guidelines for the management of acute meningitis in children and adults in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 2013; 28(1): 5-15.
  8. BRUNDYN K, KOEGELENBERG CFN, DIACON AH, LOUW M, SCHUBERT P, BOLLIGER CT, VAN DEN HEUVEL MM, WRIGHT CA. Transbronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy and rapid on-site evaluation in the setting of superior vena cava syndrome. Diagnostic Cytopathology 2013; 41(4): 324-329.
  9. BRUWER JW, BATUBARA E, KOEGELENBERG CFN, BOLLIGER CT. Recent developments in interventional bronchoscopy: bronchoscopic lung volume reduction. South African Respiratory Journal 2013; 19(3): 91-93.
  10. BRUWER JW, BATUBARA E, KOEGELENBERG CFN. A practical approach to diagnosing pleural effusion in Southern Africa. CME - Continuing Medical Education 2013; 31(9): 320-325.
  11. BRUWER JW, KOEGELENBERG CFN, LALLA U, IRUSEN E. Malaria in the Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital in a non-endemic area of South Africa: a nine-year retrospective descriptive study. South African Respiratory Journal 2013; 19(1): 4-9.
  12. BURGESS LJ, PRETORIUS D. The South African clinical trial industry: Implications of problems with the issuing of human tissue export permits. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 2013; 6(1): 13-15.
  13. CARR J. Treating early onset Parkinson's. The Specialist Forum 2013; 8: 20.
  14. CHU R, MILLS EJ, BEYENE J, PULLENAYEGUM E, BAKANDA C, NACHEGA JB, DEVEREAUX PJ, THABANE L. Impact of tuberculosis on mortality among HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Uganda: a prospective cohort analysis. Aids Research and Therapy 2013; 10(19): 1-11.
  15. CONRADIE M, ASCOTT-EVANS BH. An interesting D-lemma: What is all the excitement about vitamin D? South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal) 2013; 55(2): 157-160.
  16. DAVIDS MR, CHIKTE UME, HALPERIN ML. An efficient approach to improve the usability of e-learning resources: the role of heuristic evaluation. Advances in Physiology Education 2013; 37: 242-248.
  17. DE WITT P, MAARTENS DJ, ULDRICK TS, SISSOLAK G. Treatment outcomes in AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the setting roll out of combination antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013; 64(1): 66-73.
  18. DELLIMORE K, KEMP I, SCHEFFER C, WEICH HSVH, DOUBELL AF. The influence of leaflet skin friction and stiffness on the performance of bioprosthetic aortic valves. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 2013; 36(4): 473-486.
  19. DOUBELL AF. Has preventive medicine entered the realm of the interventional cardiologist? SA Heart 2013; 10(3): 1-3.
  20. DU PLESSIS N, LOEBENBERG L, KRIEL M, VON GROOTE-BIDLINGMAIER F, RIBECHINI E, LOXTON AG, VAN HELDEN PD, LUTZ MB, WALZL G. Increased frequency of myeloid-derived suppressor cells during active tuberculosis and after recent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection suppresses T-cell function. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2013; 188(6): 724-732.
  21. FENNER L, REID SE, FOX MP, GARONE D, WELLINGTON M, PROZESKY HW, ZWAHLEN M, SCHOMAKER M, WANDELER G, KANCHEYA N, BOULLE A, WOOD R, HENOSTROZA G, EGGER M. Tuberculosis and the risk of opportunistic infections and cancers in HIV-infected patients starting ART in Southern Africa. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2013; 18(2): 94-98.
  22. FERNDALE L, NAIDOO M, BHAILA SH, THOMSON SR, BASSA FC. Initial experience with laparoscopic splenectomy for immune thombocytopenic purpura. South African Journal of Surgery 2013; 51(2): 54-56.
  23. GUPTA RK, WAINBERG MA, BRUN-VEZINET F, GATELL JM, ALBERT J, SÖNNERBORG A, NACHEGA JB. Oral antiretroviral drugs as public health tools for HIV prevention: global implications for adherence, drug resistance, and the success of HIV treatment programs. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2013; 207(2): S101 - S106.
  24. HECKMAN MG, SOTO-ORTOLAZA AI, AASLY JO, ABAHUNI N, ANNESI G, BACON JA, BARDIEN S, BOZI M, BRICE A, BRIGHINA L, CARR J, ET AL . Population-specific frequencies for LRRK2 susceptibility variants in the genetic epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease (GEO-PD) consortium. Movement Disorders 2013; 28(12): 1740-1744.
  25. HEDLEY P, DURRHEIM GA, HENDRICKS F, GOOSEN A, JESPERSGAARD C, STOVRING B, PHAM PA, CHRISTIANSEN M, BRINK PA, CORFIELD VA. Long QT syndrome in South Africa: the results of comprehensive genetic screening. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2013; 24(6): 231-237.
  26. HOFFMANN CJ, SCHOMAKER M, FOX MP, MUTEVEDZI P, GIDDY J, PROZESKY HW, WOOD R, GARONE D, EGGER M, BOULLE A. CD4 Count slope and mortality in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: Multicohort analysis from South Africa. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013; 63(1): 34-41.
  27. HONG SY, JERGER L, JONAS A, BADI A, COHEN S, NACHEGA JB, ET AL. Medication possession ratio associated with short-term virology response in individuals initiating antiretroviral therapy in Namibia. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(2): 1-7.
  28. HOSSEINIPOUR MC, GUPTA RK, VAN ZYL G, ERON JJ, NACHEGA JB. Emergence of HIV drug resistance during first- and second-line antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2013; 207(S2): S49-S56.
  29. JACOBS P, WOOD L, ARMITAGE J. Molecular advances come of age (part II). Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2013; 49: 107-109.
  30. JACOBS P, WOOD L, ARMITAGE J. Molecular advances come of age. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2013; 49: 6-8.
  31. JOHNSON LF, MOSSONG J, DORRINGTON RE, SCHOMAKER M, HOFFMANN CJ, KEISER O, FOX MP, WOOD R, PROZESKY HW, GIDDY J, ET AL. Life expectancies of South African adults starting antiretroviral treatment: Collaborative analysis of cohort studies. PloS Medicine 2013; 10(4): 1-11.
  32. KEMP I, DELLIMORE KH, RODRIGUEZ R, SCHEFFER C, BLAINE DC, WEICH HSVH, DOUBELL AF. Experimental validation of the fluid-structure interaction simulation of a bioprosthetic aortic heart valve. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 2013; 36(3): 363-373.
  33. KENYON C, BONORCHIS K, CORCORAN C, MEINTJES G, LOCKETZ M, LEHLOENYA R, VISMER HF, NAICKER P, PROZESKY HW, VAN WYK M, ET AL. A dimorphic fungus causing disseminated infection in South Africa. New England Journal of Medicine 2013; 369(15): 1416-1424.
  34. KOEGELENBERG CFN, CALLIGARO G, HOESS C, VON GROOTE-BIDLINGMAIER F. Transthoracic ultrasonography in respiratory medicine. Panminerva Medica 2013; 55: 131-143.
  35. KOEGELENBERG CFN, DIACON AH. Image-guided pleural biopsy. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2013; 19(4): 368-373.
  36. KOEGELENBERG CFN, NORTJE AJ, LALLA U, ENSLIN A, IRUSEN E, ROSENKRANZ B, SEIFART HI, BOLLIGER CT. The pharmacokinetics of enteral antituberculosis drugs in patients requiring intensive care. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2013; 103(6): 394-398.
  37. KOEGELENBERG CFN, SWART F, IRUSEN E. Guideline for office spirometry in adults, 2012. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2013; 103(1): 52-61.
  38. KOEGELENBERG CFN, SWART F, IRUSEN E. Guideline for office spirometry in adults, 2012. South African Respiratory Journal 2013; 19(1): 12-24.
  39. KOEGELENBERG CFN, SWART F, IRUSEN E. Prediction equations for spirometry in South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2013; 103(9): 597.
  40. LAKEY WC, BARNARD K, BATCH BC, CHISWELL K, TASNEEM A, GREEN JB. Are current clinical trials in diabetes addressing important issues in diabetes care? Diabetologia 2013; 56: 1226-1235.
  41. LALLOO U, AINSLIE G, ABDOOL-GAFFAR S, AWOTEDU AA, FELDMAN C, WONG M, GREENBLATT M, IRUSEN E , MASH R, NAIDOO SS , O'BRIEN J, OTTO W, RICHARDS GA . Guideline for the management of acute asthma in adults: 2013 update. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2013; 103(3): 190-198.
  42. LAMBIOTTE MEJ, IRUSEN E, DU TOIT R, BOLLIGER CT, KOEGELENBERG CFN. The clinical course of prognostic indicators in patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus requiring intensive care admission: a 16-year observational study. South African Respiratory Journal 2013; 18(4): 111-117.
  43. LAMBIOTTE MEJ, VAN RENSBURG CJ. Helicobacter Pylori - a moving target. The South African Gastroenterology Review 2013; 11(1): 12-15.
  44. MARCONI VC, WU B, HAMPTON J, ORDONEZ CE, JOHNSON BA, SINGH D, JOHN S, GORDON MICHELLE, HARE A, MURPHY RA, NACHEGA JB, KURITZKES DR, DEL RIO C, SUNPATH H. Early warning indicators for first-line virologic failure independent of adherence measures in a South African urban clinic. Aids Patient Care and STDS 2013; 27(12): 657-668.
  45. MILLS EJ, FUNK A, KANTERS S, KAWUMA E, COOPER C, MUKASA B, ODIT M, KARAMAGI Y, MWEHIRE D, NACHEGA JB, YAYA S, FEATHERSTONE A, FORD N. Long-term health care interruptions among HIV-positive patients in Uganda. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013; 63(1): e23-e27.
  46. MOSES J, DOUBELL AF, HERBST PG, KLUSMANN K, WEICH HSVH. Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) in three hospital settings in South Africa: does geography influence management and outcomes? A retrospective cohort study. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2013; 24(4): 110-116.
  47. NACHEGA JB, MUTAMBA B, BASANGWA D, NGUYEN H, DOWDY DW, MILLS EJ, KATABIRA E, NAKIMULI-MPUNGU E. Severe mental illness at ART initiation is associated with worse retention in care among HIV-infected Ugandan adults. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2013; 18(1): 53-57.
  48. NDIAYE M, NYASULU P, NGUYEN H, LOWENTHAL ED, GROSS R, MILLS EJ, NACHEGA JB. Risk factors for suboptimal antiretroviral therapy adherence in HIV-infected adolescents in Gaborone, Botswana: a pilot cross-sectional study. Patient Preference and Adherence 2013; 7: 891-895.
  49. SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H, CROWTHER NJ, HOUGH FS, FERRIS WF. The interrelationship between bone and fat: from cellular see-saw to endocrine reciprocity. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2013; 70: 2331-2349.
  50. SADIE-VAN GIJSEN H, HOUGH FS, FERRIS WF. Determinants of bone marrow adiposity: The modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- γ2 activity as a central mechanism. Bone 2013; 56: 255-265.
  51. SCHOMAKER M, EGGER M, MASKEW M, GARONE D, PROZESKY HW, HOFFMANN CJ, BOULLE A, FENNER L. Immune recovery after starting ART in HIV-infected patients presenting and not presenting with tuberculosis in South Africa. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013; 63(1): 142-145.
  52. SISSOLAK G, WOOD L, SMITH L, CHAN JWC, ARMITAGE J, JACOBS P. Tissue microarray in a subset of South African patients with DLBCL. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2013; 49: 120-132.
  53. THAKKAR MS, KOEGELENBERG CFN, BEZUIDENHOUT J, IRUSEN E. Mediastinal mass and hydatid disease. QJM-An International Journal of Medicine 2013; 106: 1127-1128.
  54. VAN RENSBURG CJ. Therapeutic strategies in helicobacter pylori eradication. The South African Gastroenterology Review 2013; 11(1): 1.
  55. VAN SCHALKWYK M, ANDERSSON MI, ZEIER MD, LA GRANGE M, TALJAARD JJ, THERON GB. The impact of revised PMTCT guidelines: A view from a public sector ARV clinic in Cape Town, South Africa. JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013; 63(2): 234-238.
  56. VON GROOTE-BIDLINGMAIER F, KOEGELENBERG CFN, BOLLIGER CT, CHUNG KF, RAUTENBACH C, WASSERMAN E, BERNASCONI M, FRIEDRICH SO, DIACON AH. The yield of different pleural fluid volumes for Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture. Thorax 2013; 68(3): 290-291.
  57. WANDELER G, GSPONER T, MULENGA L, GARONE D, WOOD R, MASKEW M, PROZESKY HW, ET AL. Zidovudine impairs immunological recovery on first-line antiretroviral therapy: collaborative analysis of cohort studies in Southern Africa. Aids 2013; 27(14): 2225-2232.
  58. WILKEN E. Black oesophagus: Acute oesophageal necrosis syndrome (AEN) - a case study. The South African Gastroenterology Review 2013; 11(1): 21-22.
  59. ZÖLLNER EW, LOMBARD CJ, GALAL U, HOUGH FS, IRUSEN E, WEINBERG E. Screening for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression in asthmatic children remains problematic: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2013; 3: 1-7.

Proceedings international

  1. BOVIJN J, DOUBELL AF, HERBST PG. Identifying predictors of mitral valve (MV) tears resulting from percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV): a descriptive study. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, SA Heart Journal 2013: 30.
  2. DORUYTER AGG, HARTLEY T, AMEYO JW, DAVIDS MR, WARWICK JM. Imaging of renal hyperparathyroidism using SPECT/CT with low-dose localizing CT. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Lyon, France, 2013: Add page numbers.   Sien Kerngeneeskunde
  3. DOUBELL J, HERBST PG, PECORARO AJK, KOEGELENBERG CFN, DOUBELL AF. Pulmonary haemosiderosis secondary to severe severe mitral stenosis in patients undergoing valvuloplasty at Tygerberg Hospital. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, SA Heart Journal 2013: 288.
  4. HERBST PG, PECORARO AJK, CASSIMJEE Z, DOUBELL AF. Diagnosis and assessment of subclinical rheumatic valve disease. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, SA Heart Journal 2013: 356.
  5. LIEBENBERG J, HERBST PG, DOUBELL AF. Rheumatic fever, a South African perspective: A pilot study assessing adherence, notification and secondary prophylaxis. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, SA Heart Journal 2013: 310.
  6. SMITH E, WEICH HSVH, DOUBELL AF. Improving the diagnostic yield of the ECG in tachyarrhythmias via routine Lewis lead recordings. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, SA Heart Journal 2013: 289.
  7. VAN DER BIJL P, HERADIEN M, BRINK PA, DOUBELL AF. QTc prolongation prior to angiography predicts poor outcome and associates significantly with lower left ventricular ejection fractions and higher left ventricular end-diastolic pressures. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, SA Heart Journal 2013: 24.

Proceedings national

  1. DORUYTER AGG, HARTLEY T, AMEYO JW, DAVIDS MR. Imaging of renal hyperparathyroidism using SPECT/CT with low-dose localizing CT. 57th Academic Year Day, Faculty Medicine Health Sciences,  Tygerberg, South Africa, 2013: 175-176.
  2. MODEBE EO, STEVENS Z, ELLMANN A, HOUGH SF, WARWICK JM. Transformation of toxic multinodular goitre to Graves 'disease post I-131 therapy. 57th Academic Year Day, Faculty Medicine Health Sciences, Tygerberg, South Africa, 2013: 190-191.