Teaching sites - Robertson Hospital

The beautiful Langeberg sub-district comprises of 5 towns: Ashton, Bonnievale, McGregor, Montagu and Robertson, and forms part of the Cape Winelands district (CWD), Western Cape Province. Robertson district hospital (50 beds) and Montagu district hospital (26 beds) both refer to Worcester Regional hospital. These hospitals form part of the regional Worcester training complex. Stellenbosch University undergraduate medical students in their clinical years (and, since 2012, a Family Medicine registrar and Student Interns) rotate at the hospitals and clinics in the sub-district, as part of the Ukwanda Rural Clinical School (see the following two website: www.sun.ac.za/ukwanda-rcs and www.sun.ac.za/fammed).
The registrar will be appointed for the whole sub-district and will deliver clinical services (including after-hours emergency cover) at both hospitals in Montagu and Robertson, as well as at some of the PHC clinics (on a "adopt-a-clinic" basis for four years).

April 2016 - staff in the Robertson Hospital Emergency Centre
The registrar forms part of a dynamic clinical team consisting at present of 1 Family Medicine registrar, 5 permanent Medical Officers (MO) and 4 Community Service MOs and 1 Family Physician for the sub-district, as well as sessional doctors & GPs. The scope of clinical services represent the full mix at district hospital level: from outpatients, ward rounds and casualty cover, to emergency care, anaesthesia, district hospital surgical procedures. Both hospitals enjoy good clinical support from the specialist departments at Worcester hospital (monthly specialist Outreach & Support visits by the specialists from the departments of Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Surgery, Infectious Diseases and Family Medicine).
Opportunities for in-service training and continuous professional development are ample.
Robertson and Montagu are located in the scenic Langeberg municipality, including the Route 62 tourism events and opportunities.
For more details contact Dr Roland Kroukamp (Family Physician) at Roland.Kroukamp@westerncape.gov.za or 023 626 8501.