Teaching sites - Kraaifontein Community Health Centre
General information
Kraaifontein Community Health Centre is situated in Kraaifontein, approximately 30km from Cape Town.
Directions: Driving from Cape Town, take the N1 north, then take the Van Riebeeck Road turn off and turn right into Van Riebeeck Road, crossing the N1 and a railway bridge. Then turn right into 6th avenue, we are situated on the right.
The facility is currently undergoing upgrading and renovations. It is envisioned to be finished by November 2009.
It will then be a state of the art facility with ample parking space, waiting rooms and consultation rooms.
Our services
- Trauma and Emergency department.
- Dental department
- X - Ray department

- Psychiatric services
- School health services
- Health Education
- Dietician
- Physiotherapist
- Antenatal Clinic
- Out patients department
- Chronic Disease Club
- Pharmacy
- ARV Clinic
- Eye clinic
- Disability grant Services
- Ultrasound for Antenatal clinic
- Home base Care
- Old Age homes
- Hospice
- A Network of social services outside of the facility
- Orthopedic sister
Contact details:
203 6th Avenue
Tel: 021 987 0080
Fax: 021 987 2310
021 988 2115
Facility Manager: Ms. Steyn