Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

​​Prof. Louis Jonker

Received​ doctoral degree from: Stellenbosch University / Universiteit van Stellenbosch (1993)

Research interests:

  • ​​​​​​Persian period biblical literature / Persiese periode bybelse literatuur​​​
  • Chronicles / Kroniekboek
  • ​​​​Biblical history writing / Bybelse geskiedskrywing
  • ​​​​Pentateuch / Pentateug
  • ​​​Intercultural Biblical hermeneutics / Interkulturele Bybelse hermeneutiek

Most recent​ publications:


1. From Adequate Biblical Interpretation to Transformative Intercultural Hermeneutics. Chronicling a Personal Journey. Elkhart ID: Institute for Mennonite Studies.


2. “From Pentateuch to Chronicles. What does the End (Chronicles) of the Hebrew Bible Canon Imply for the Understanding of its Beginning (Pentateuch)?”, Biblische Zeitschrift 59/1, 39-53.


3. “Of Writers and Readers. Facilitating the Intercultural Encounter between (Ancient) Texts and (Contemporary) Readers.” In: New Perspectives on Intercultural Reading of the Bible. Edited by D.S. Schipani, M. Brinkman and H. Snoek. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 239-255.


4. “Who’s Speaking? On Whose Behalf? The Book of Haggai from the Perspective of Identity Formation in the Persian Period.” In: History, Memory, Hebrew Scriptures. A Festschrift for Ehud Ben Zvi. Edited by I. Wilson and D.V. Edelman. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 197-214.


5. “Agrarian Economy through City-Elites’ Eyes: Reflections of Late Persian Period Yehud Economy in the Genealogies of Chronicles.” In: The Economy of Ancient Judah in Its Historical Context. Edited by Marvin Miller, Ehud Ben Zvi, and Gary Knoppers. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 75-99.


6. “‘The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord’ The Place of Covenant in the Chronicler’s Theology.” In: Covenant in the Persian Period: from Genesis to Chronicles. Edited by Richard Bautch and Gary Knoppers. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 393-414.


7. “On Becoming a Family in South Africa: Intercultural Bible Reading as Transformative Power in Society.” In: Bible and Transformation: The Promise of Intercultural Bible Reading, Semeia Studies 81. Edited by Janet Dyk and Hans de Wit. Atlanta: SBL Press, 387-413.


8. Defining All-Israel in Chronicles. Multi-levelled Identit​y Negotiation in Late Persian-Period Yehud. FAT 106. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [This publication won the Andrew Murray – Desmond Tutu prize for best theological publication in South Africa during 2016-2017.]


9. “‘My Wife Must Not Live in King David’s Palace’ (2 Chr 8:11): A Contribution to the Diachronic Study of Intermarriage Traditions in the Hebrew Bible”, Journal of Biblical Literature 135/1, 35-47.


10. “Being both on the Periphery and in the Centre: The Jerusalem Temple in Late Persian Period Yehud from Postcolonial Perspective.” In: Centres and Peripheries in the Early Second Temple Period, FAT. Edited by Ehud Ben Zvi and Christoph Levin. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 243-267.


11. “Satan Made Me Do It!” The Development of a Satan Figure as Social-Theological Diagnostic Strategy from the late Persian Imperial Era to Early Christianity”, Old Testament Essays 30/2, 348-366.


12. “What was Considered to be Apostasy by the Chronicler, and How Does it Relate to Deuteronomic Law?” Journal of Semitics 26/1, 382-411.


13. “Chronicles in an (Un)changing World: The ‘Persian Context’ in Biblic​al Studies,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42/3, 267-283.
