Earth Sciences
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​​Subjects presented by staff members of the Department of Earth Sciences

(click on subject to read more. Our courses are continuously adjusted, and the latest version might not be on the website yet.)

1st year:

Geo-Environmental Science 154, Introduction to Earth Systems Science

Earth Science Field Skills 172

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Advanced microscopy work (credit M Mayne)                                                                                Geological mapping exercise (credit M Mayne)

2nd year:

Geology 224, Introduction to Mineralogy

Geology 244, Physical Earth Sciences and Structural Geology

Geology 254, Optical Mineralogy and Petrography

Earth Science Field Skills 272

Environmental Field Skills 271 

Environmental Geochemistry 214, Introduction to Environmental Geochemistry

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 Dr M Mayne teaching metamorphis (credit M Mayne)

3rd year:

Geology 314, Igneous Petrology

Geology 324, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Geology 344, Economic Geology

Geology 354, Metamorphic Petrology and Tectonics

Geology 364​, Hydrogeology

Earth Science Field Skills 374

Environmental Field Skills 372

Environmental Geochemistry 314, Environmental Geochemistry
