​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

Short Cou​rses

To apply or obtain further information, please contact:

Mrs Cindy Harley
08h00 - 16h00, Mondays to Fridays
Tel: +27 (21) 938 9395  
E-mail: cindyp@sun.ac.za  

MMed Short Courses  

The short courses aim to provide a course of study for doctors wishing to expand their knowledge and skills in a specific area of interest relevant to family medicine or general practice.  The courses aim to enhance the quality of general practice and satisfy the desire of doctors for continuing professional development.



3 March – 25 May 2025

​Forensics in Family Medicine 

(Dr W Viljoen)



Deadline for applications:



28 July - 19 October 2025

​Forensics in Family Medicine 

(Dr W Viljoen)

Rehabilitation in Family Medicine

(Dr S Visagie)


(Dr M Crous)

Deadline for applications:



​a)     Cancer Care and the Family Practitioner

This course aims to equip, update and refresh the family practitioner for the critical role of coordinating the cancer patient’s journey, at primary care level, from early diagnosis through to advanced disease. ​

Cancer Care Student application.docx

Cancer Care Flyer.pdf


b)      Palliative Care

The discipline of Palliative Care focusses on the management of patients with life-limiting conditions including the terminal phase of the illness and management of the dying patient and their families. It deals with ensuring quality of life and well-being and ensuring dignity in death. Palliative care is a process that deals with a continuum of care from diagnosis onw​ards and this journey of the patient and the family of that patient mainly takes place in the community where the family practitioner is the cornerstone of co-ordinating continuous care as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

This course aims to equip the family practitioner for this critical role by enhancing the knowledge and skills of the family practitioner in the care of the patient with life-limiting disease and aging. 

Flyer Palliative Care 2025.pdf

​​Palliative Care Student Application Form 2025.docx

c)       Postgraduate Certification Training in Mindfulness-based Interventions

The Certificate in Mindfulness-Based Interventions is a 60-credit university-based training, which will provide participants with experiential and theoretical exposure to mindfulness and mindfulness-based approaches in a supportive learning environment, with a view to professional application within existing spheres of expertise.

The part-time course is highly participatory and practical, aiming to give insight and understanding into the foundations of mindfulness and MBIs. It has the dual benefit of offering participants an opportunity to explore and apply these practices in daily life for their personal benefit, as well as enable them to offer MBIs to their staff, clients or patients.

The training consists of 4 modules structured as series of short courses each 8- 10 weeks in length. Methods of learning will include:

  • Residential training retreats 
  • Distance learning strategies including: online supervision, online discussion forum, self-directed mindfulness practice, exploring the integration of mindfulness into daily life, self-reflective journaling, reading and critiquing peer-reviewed literature and writing essays for assessment purposes.

A Certificate of Competence will be given when all 4 modules are completed and participants have fulfilled the necessary assessment criteria and standards.

The course is appropriate for medical practitioners, psychologists, counselors (lay or pastoral), nurses, social workers, coaches, occupational therapists, medical educators and administrators. Those who fall outside of these categories are welcome to apply and will be considered on a person-by-person basis.

Please go to www.mindfulness.org.za or http://www.mindfulness.org.za/training/   for more details.

» SU Training Brochure

» SU Application Form


e)      Brief Behaviour Change  Counselling

This one day short course is aimed at professionals dealing with health related behaviour change counselling e.g. physical activity, smoking, substance abuse, healthy eating and overweight/obesity. The training intends to introduce a new approach to brief behaviour change counselling for health care professionals. This approach is based on the 5A structure (Ask, Alert, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) and a guiding style of communication based on motivational interviewing principles.

» Brief Behaviour Change Counselling flyer