Division of​ Medical Ethics and Law​

Upcoming Conferences​


​​​Past Conferences​

ICCEC 2021 - 30 November - 3 December 2021

The 16th annual International Conference on Clinical Ethics and Consultation (ICCEC) was held at the Asara Wine Estate
in Stellenbosch between November 30th and December 3rd, 2021. The hybrid conference attended by 70 delegates
in person and approximately 250 registered online, went ahead after its postponement in April 2020 due to Covid-19.
Physical attendance this time was curtailed by the November announcement in South Africa of the Omicron variant and
subsequent travel bans imposed by several countries.​

62nd Annual Academic Day- 29 August 2018

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) at Stellenbosch University (SU) recently held its 62nd Annual Academic Day at the Tygerberg Campus in Cape Town. The Annual Academic Day is the highlight of the faculty academic calendar and showcases and celebrates the Faculty's ongoing research achievements. This year, close to 300 research projects were presented in either oral or poster presentation format. Representing the CMEL at this year's AAD is Ms Anita Kleinsmidt (left below) lecturer, with her poster illustrating the Tygerberg stakeholder engagement model. And Ms Melany Hendricks (right below) psychologist, with her poster on the online interactive tools developed for patients at the KIDRU clinic.

                     IMG-20180829-WA0000 - Anita.jpg             ​​IMG-20180829-WA0001 (003)- Melany.jpg



          Workshop on Research on Pregnant Women in Research. Bangkok, Thailand. ​


  • Return of Results in Genomics Research and Biobanking, 9th H3Africa Consortium Meeting, Mauritius


  • Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2015, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, USA, 23-26 February
  • SAGE Working Group meeting on Ebola vaccines and vaccination, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-10 March
  • Working Group Leaders of the WHO Guideline Development on Ethics of Public Health Surveillance and the Annual Meeting of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Bioethics, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 9-11 June
  • SAGE Working Group on Ebola Vaccines and Vaccination, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-20 August


  • World Health Organisation Expert Consultation on Research Ethics Governance – University of Toronto, Canada.


  • NIH Centre for AIDS Research: Ethical considerations in HIV genetic research from developing world perspectives – Washington DC, USA


  • NIH Grant Administration Workshop – Cape Town, SA.​


  • Research on Children – Food and Drug Administration(FDA) Maryland, USA  2010 – HIV Combination Prevention Modalities – National Institutes of Health (NIH) Washington DC, USA​




  • UCT General Practitioners Conference, The River Club, Observatory, 20-21 January
  • 6th Annual Women in Business Conference presented by UCT GSB, The River Club, Observatory, 14 August ​