Professor Sean Chetty
MBChB(Natal), DCH(SA), DA(SA), FCA(SA) Cert.Crit.Care(SA) PhD Executive Head of Department
Professor Chetty is an Anaesthesiologist with a sub-specialist qualification in Critical Care. In addition, he has extensive clinical and research experience in Pain Medicine and is the President of the South African pain society (Pain SA).
Professor Chetty was the recipient of the 2019/2020 Discovery Foundation MGH Scholarship, which afforded him the opportunity to complete a fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University in Boston, USA in 2019/2020 His areas of research interests include acute pain management for the obstetric patient and the management of pain and sedation in the critically ill patient. He has a passion for expanding medical education and is regularly involved in knowledge expansion initiatives for health care professionals in South Africa and internationally.
Management Team
| Dr Latifa Firfiray
MBChB, Dip Obst, DA, FCA, MMed (Anaes) Head of Clinical Unit - Anaesthesiology
Clinical & Academic responsibilities: Anaesthesiology Clinical Services – Tygerberg Hospital

| Dr Theresa Louw
Head of Clinical Unit - Anaesthesiology
Academic & Clinical responsibilities: Peri-operative Medicine, Under-graduate training co-ordinator

| Dr Francois W Retief
MBChB (Stell), DA (SA), PDD (UWC), FCA (SA), MMed (Anaes) (Stell) Head of Clinical Unit - Anaesthesiology
Academic & Clinical responsibilities: Pain Medicine, Post-graduate training co-ordinator

| Dr Jonathan Burke
MBChB, DA, FCA, MMed (Anaes) Head of Clinical Unit - Anaesthesiology
Clinical & Academic responsibilities: District Anaesthesiology Services
Head of Clinical Unit - Critical Care
Medical Specialist - Anaesthesiology Tygerberg Hospital

Dr Annemé Breedt MBChB (UOFS), DA(SA), FCA(SA), MMED(Anaes)
Special Interest: Obstetric Anaesthesia

Dr Celeste Cilliers MBChB, DA (SA) FCA (SA)
Special Interest: Paediatric Anaesthesia Administrative responsibilities: Elective visitors co-ordinator, Chair of the Wellness Committee

Dr Willem De Villiers MBChB, DA(SA), FCA(SA), MMed (Anaes)
Special Interest: Peri-operative Echocardiography Administrative responsibilities: Pharmacy

Dr Johan Dippenaar MBChB (UP), D(SA), FC(SA), MMed (Anaes)(US)
Academic and Clinical Responsibilities: Special interests: Paediatric and Neurosurgical anaesthesia. Administrative responsibilities: Theatre rostering

| Dr Carmen Drude
MBChB(Stell), DA(SA), FCA(SA), MMed(Anaes) Special interest: Trauma Anaesthesia and Obstetrics Anaesthesia.
Dr Marianne Johnson MBChB (Stell), DA(SA), MMed (Anaes), FCA
Special Interest: Pre-operative assessment clinic Administrative responsibilities: Consumables
| Dr J King
MBChB (UFS), FCA(SA), MMed(Anaes)
Special interests: Geriatric Anaesthesia and Anaesthesia Nursing training

Dr Andre Links MBChB (Stell) DA (SA) DMH (SA) FCA(SA)
Special Interest: Neuroanaesthesia and Intensive Care Administrative responsibilities: Electronic theatre booking systems

Dr Simone Piovesan MBChB,(WITS) DA(SA) FCA(SA)
Special Interest: Blood Conservation strategies and Bariatric Surgery
Dr Keenan Sankar

Dr Annette Theron MBChB(Stell), Dip Obst(SA), DA(SA), FCA (SA), MMed (Anaes) (UKZN)
Special Interest: Peri-operative medicine. Obstetric Anaesthesia Administrative responsibilities: Rostering
Dr Stephen Venter MBChB, FCA(SA)
Administrative responsibilities: Peri-operative TOE & Critical Care
Medical Specialist – Critical Care
Dr Ryan Davids MBChB(Stell), DA (SA), MMed (Anaes), FCA(SA)
Special Interest: Neuroanaesthesia, Critical Care, Biomedical Ethics Administrative responsibilities: Research co-ordinator
Dr. Yaw A. Kusi-Mensah MBChB(UG), DA(WACS), MPhil(Physiology(UG)), MWACS, MGCS
Special Interests: Critical-Care and Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia
| Medical Specialist – Anaesthesiology District Services
Dr Adéle de Goede
MBChB(Stell); DA(SA); FCA(SA); MMed(Anaes) Special Interest: Resilience in Anaesthesia training and development, Anaesthesia nurse training Administrative responsibilities: District servcies for Eerste River and Helderberg hospitals
Dr Sarwat Hameed Ikram MBChB, DA (SA), MMED (Anaes)
Special Interest: District Anaesthesia Administrative responsibilities: District servcies for Khayelitsha District Hospital
Dr Megan Jaworska MBChB, DA, FCA, MMed (Anaes)
Special Interest: FATE Administrative responsibilities: District services for Karl Bremmer and Helderberg hospitals
| Research |
Ms Shanita Chhiba BSc Physiotherapy (SU) | M Physiotherapy (SU)
Research Associate
| Administrative Staff
Ms Hazel Dryding Administrative Officer
Tel: +27 21 938 9030 hdryding@sun.ac.za
Focus area: Personal Assistant to Professor Sean Chetty
| Mrs Charlaine Janse van Rensburg
Administrative Officer Tel: +27 21 938 9231 cvrens@sun.ac.za
Focus area: Student Administration
| Ms Nadeema Williams
Administrative Officer
Tel: +27 21 938 9028 nadeemaw@sun.ac.za
Focus area: Financial Administration & International Students