South African Family Practice Manual
3rd edition available from 12 January 2015 (also as an E-book.)
Editors: Bob Mash Julia Blitz
The publication of the new edition the South African family practice manual has been anticipated with great interest. This edition focuses on practical skills that family physicians should obtain during their training, which are required in primary care as well as at the district or rural hospital. Aspects of clinical examination and common procedures, as well as key skills in the areas of communication, occupation health, research, teaching and health care administration, are discussed.
The Manual covers the full spectrum of family practice from the newborn to the elderly, and includes skills in routine as well as emergency care. As the clinical training of family physicians in South Africa becomes more formalised over the next few years, this text will undoubtedly become a cornerstone of the training programme in all provinces. In addition, the Manual should be of interest to doctors in training in their year of community service, as well as to established family physicians both in South Africa and in other sub-Saharan countries.
This text is a collaborative enterprise involving family physicians and educators. It draws on the wealth of practical experience to be found within the Family Medicine Education Consortium (FaMEC) - the eight departments of Family Medicine in South Africa – and it is also a project of the South African Academy of Family Practice and Primary Care.
ISBN 9780627031236
Handbook of Family Medicine
Edited by Bob Mash
"This book is essential for medical students and family medicine registrars. General practitioners will also benefit from reading the book."”
Professor Gboyega Ogunbanjo
President: College of Family Physicians of South Africa and South African Academy of Family Physicians
Senior Vice-President: Colleges of Medicine of South Africa
The third edition of the successful Handbook of Family Medicine is an essential guide for general practitioners working in a southern African context. The Handbook is aimed at undergraduate medical students and registrars doing postgraduate training in Family Medicine. It will also be useful to community service doctors, general practitioners, medical officers, nurses and allied health care workers.
The recognition of Family Medicine as a speciality by the Health Professions Council has had major implications for the training of family physicians, explored in this third edition of the Handbook. Topics covered include the processes of care and consultation, communication, management, disease prevention, health promotion and ethical issues in Family Medicine.
New in this third edition:
- An approach to assessing common symptoms
- Managing common conditions
- Integrative medicine addressing the relationship between allopathic and alternative or traditional medicine
- Updates on legislation and health statistics
- More in-depth focus on family medicine practice in an southern African context.
The third edition of the successful Handbook of Family Medicine is fully endorsed by the South African Academy of Family Physicians.
ISBN 9780199045938
South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual
Editors: Prof Bob Mash and Prof Julia Blitz-Lindeque
The publication of a new edition of the SA Family Practice Manual has been anticipated with great interest. The focus of the new Manual is on practical skills that the Family Physician should obtain during their training and which are required in primary care as well as at the district or rural hospital. This includes aspects of clinical examination, all common procedures as well as key skills in the areas of communication, occupational health, research, teaching and health care administration.
The Manual covers the full spectrum of family practice from the newborn baby to the elderly and includes skills in routine as well as emergency care. As the clinical training of Family Physicians in South Africa becomes more formalized over the next few years this Manual will undoubtedly become a cornerstone of the training programme in all Provinces. In addition the Manual should be of interest to Family Physicians in other sub-Saharan countries, to more junior doctors during their Community Service year and established Family Physicians.
The Manual has been a collaborative enterprise involving Family Physicians from all South African University Departments of Family Medicine and draws on the wealth of practical experience within the Family Medicine Education Consortium(FaMEC). The Manual will be published by Van Schaik under the auspices of the SA Academy of Family Practice and Primary Care in 2005.
ISBN 978 0 627 02794 9