Forestry & Wood Science
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch



QS Ranglys: US landbou- en bosboukundiges mees invloedrykes in SA Ranglys: US landbou- en bosboukundiges mees invloedrykes in SAEngela DuvenhageWhere studies and research in agriculture and forestry are concerned, Stellenbosch University (SU) ranks as the most sought after and influential institution in South Africa. It is also ranked among the top 100 institutions worldwide in these fields, acco
Bosbou- en Houtkunde student wen tweede prys in Brazil! en Houtkunde student wen tweede prys in Brazil!Carin BruceStephen Amiandamhen, a PhD student in the Forest and Wood Science Department, was awarded the second prize of 250 US dollars for oral and poster presentations at the 59th Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) Convention held in Brazil recently.
Statebond Bosbouers ontmoet in Stellenbosch Bosbouers ontmoet in StellenboschCori HamTed Wilson visits the Department of Forestry and Wood Science.
Calorosas boas-vindas a José! boas-vindas a José!Albe van NiekerkDept of Forestry and Wood Science is pleased to welcome José Rocha from São Paulo University, Brazil.
Houtkappers Bal 2017 Bal 2017Leeshan MahadeoThe Stellenbosch Forestry Students Association (SFSA) hosted our annual Woodchoppers Ball on 15 September 2017 at Damarakloof Estate.
Nuwe Bos Navorsings Eenheid Bos Navorsings EenheidSimon AckermanNew Forest Research Unit
Dept Bosbou en Houtwetenskap verwelkom Dr Spong Bosbou en Houtwetenskap verwelkom Dr SpongDr Ben SpongDr. Ben Spong, a Forest Engineering/Forest Operations Faculty member from West Virginia University in the United States has arrived for an extended research visit to Stellenbosch University’s Department of Forest and Wood Science.