Earth Sciences
Welcome to Stellenbosch University


​Useful contacts for honours & research students within the department​

As a MSc or Phd student your supervisor is your first port of call for all enquiries. The following is a list of other people in the Department who can assist you in various ways. 


​Head of Department – general enquiries about matters that cannot be resolved through the DoS, second supervisor or the Chair of the Research Student Committee

currently – Prof. A Kisters, office: 1036, tel: x3113,

Chair, Research Student Committee – (oversees Departmental research student admissions and monitors your progress) 

currently – Prof. John Clemens, office 2027, tel: x3159,

As an honours student Your Honours Programme Co-ordinator is your first port of call for all enquiries related to the programme. After that you have a list of other people in the Department who can assist you in various ways.

​Honours Programme Co-ordinator – general enquiries about admissions and overall programme co-ordination including timetabling and other requirements for the Honours year.

Dr. Susanne Fietz: Office 2010, tel: x3117,

Dr. Martina Frei: Office 2017 (within MSc computer room to the right), tel: x4820,

​Head of Department (who also chairs the Research and Honours Admissions Committee) – general enquiries about matters that cannot be resolved through the programme co-ordinator or your thesis supervisor

Prof. A. Kisters, office:, tel: x3113,

...for all postgrad students:

Departmental Officer / Secretary – financial enquiries, vehicle bookings​ (at least 24 hours notice required)

Mrs Gillian Strydom: Office 1011, tel: x3219

​Senior Technical Officer – reporting of safety concerns, equipment faults and deficiencies in general, non-laboratory supplies

Mr George Olivier, office: 1036, tel: x3118,

CAF liaison officer – information regarding analytical and equipment facilities available to Earth Science students through the Central Analytical Facility.

Prof Ian Buick, office: 2029, tel: x3128.​SU logo.jpg

Useful contacts within the university

University Help Desk – can potentially be useful but rather phone the section you really want to speak to - tel: x4669​

Postgraduate and International Office – general enquiries and assistance for international students, information on funding, skills development, accommodation, etc. tel: 2565

web site:

​Faculty of Science – rules and regulations and specific information about procedures, applications, bursary information

Faculty Manager – general enquiries tel: x3760

Faculty Officer – rules and regulations tel: x4832

​University Language Centre – general assistance with language issues, translations, short courses in writing skills, thesis editing, etc. tel: x2159, web site:

University Library – The majority of science students make use of the central library (JS Gericke Library; on the main campus. Details on how to make an efficient use of our library are available on the library website. 

For advance usage and information you may contact Science Faculty librarian (Currently Pieter Du Plessis,, tel: x4430)

​Campus Health – medical services and advice, Monday – Friday: 08h00 – 17h00, tel: x3392;

Student Counselling and Development – careers, counselling, therapy, disabilities, tel: x4707; 37 or 49 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch

​Campus Security – patrols, emergency reaction, incident reporting

tel. for service problems: x3775

tel. for emergencies x2333

​Campus Map​​