Division of Medical Ethics and Law
Tygerberg Clinical Ethics Committee
Please be informed that a Clinical Ethics Committee has been established at Tygerberg Hospital to assist with clinical ethical dilemmas that may arise in patient care. The committee does not deliberate on any research ethics issues as these must be submitted to the Health Research Ethics Committees, Faculty of Health Sciences.
Please contact Dr Kurt Maart on 021 938 4141 or Kurt.Maart@westerncape.gov.za .
Click here for the Referral cover page
Tygerberg Clinical Ethics Committee members:
- Dr Kurt Maart
- Prof Sharon Kling
- Prof Willie Pienaar
- Prof Daniel Sidler
- Prof Lut Geerts
- Mr Shudley Raubenheimer
- Ms Melany Hendricks
- Dr Beryl Leibbrandt
- Prof Rafique Moosa
- Prof Keymanthri Moodley
- Dr Ryan Davids
- Dr Terry Louw

Dr Kurt Maart- MBChB, LLB, PG Dip (Health Management), Executive MBA is a medical manager at Tygerberg Academic Hospital in Cape Town. He serves as Chair of the Tygerberg Clinical Ethics Committee. He has extensive global experience in hospital management, having previously worked at hospitals in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Australia. After his law degree, he was admitted as an advocate in the High Court in 2003. Dr Maart served on the Management Committee of the Division of Medical Ethics and Law and is the Chair of the Governing Board of the Division.

Prof Keymanthri Moodley is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine and Head of the Division of Medical Ethics and Law at Stellenbosch University. The Division is a WHO Collaborating Centre in Bioethics, one of twelve in the world and the first on the African continent. Keymanthri is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina, USA. She is a specialist family physician, bioethicist, an NRF rated researcher and a member of ASSAf. She has been Principal Investigator on 5 NIH grants and has over 120 publications. Her most recent NIH funded research project explores ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) in big data and Artificial Intelligence in the African context. She is a member of the WHO Ethics and AI Expert Group.
Associate Prof Sharon Kling- MBChB, DCH(SA), FCPaed, MMed, MPhil (Applied Ethics) is a consultant paediatrician at Tygerberg hospital and part-time lecturer at the Division of Medical Ethics and Law, University of Stellenbosch. She has served on the institutional research ethics committee for a decade. She is a member of the Tygerberg Hospital clinical ethics committee. As a paediatrician she has a keen sense of the ethical issues involved in paediatrics. Associate Prof Kling is completing her doctorate in bioethics, which critically examines the work of clinical ethics committees in South Africa.

Prof Daniel Sidler- MD, MPhil (Applied Ethics), FCS (SA) was a consultant paediatric surgeon at the Tygerberg Children's Hospital for over 19 years, after specializing and working as a consultant paediatric surgeon at Red Cross Children's War Memorial Hospital in Cape Town. During this time, he was also a part-time lecturer at the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Stellenbosch. He has served on the institutional research ethics committee and the Tygerberg Hospital clinical ethics committee. He recently transitioned to private practice in Paediatric Surgery in Cape Town. As a paediatric surgeon his main interest is neonatal and endoscopic surgery. He maintains a keen interest in ethical issues applying to paediatric surgery.

Prof Lut Geerts is a subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine and Principal Specialist in the Department of O&G at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, Head of the O&G Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine Unit. She holds a Diploma in Fetal Medicine (UK) and BScHon in Human Genetics (SA) and is a member of the SA Medico Legal Association.
She is the current President of the SA Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, serves on SASOG (SA Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) council and its BetterObs committee and is author of more than 35 peer-reviewed articles and 4 chapters in international books.

Prof Willie Pienaar- MBChB, MPhil (Applied Ethics), FCFP (psych) is an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, and head of clinical services at Stikland Hospital, Western Cape. He has a special interest in bioethics in medical and psychiatric care. Prof. Pienaar has been involved in bioethics teaching at the Faculty of Health Sciences for the past fifteen years and is a part-time lecturer in the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law.

Ms Melany Hendricks- Melany is the Principal Clinical Psychologist at Stikland Hospital. She is a senior lecturer and serves on the management committee of the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. Melany also serves on the Health Research Ethics Committee and holds an MPhil degree specializing in Bio-Ethics. Melany has an LLB degree and is actively involved in the labour relations management caucus of the Stikland Hospital and in the Presiding/ Investigator Officer forum of the Department of Health. Melany is currently enrolled as a doctoral student in law.

Dr Kerry-Ann Louw- Dr Louw is a consultant psychiatrist at Tygerberg Hospital and a senior lecturer at Stellenbosch University. Dr Louw completed both her undergraduate and postgraduate training at the University of Cape Town obtaining her FC Psych qualification in 2011, MMed in 2012 and MPhil in Liaison Mental Health in 2015. Her special interests include the complex interactions between psychiatric and medical illnesses, chronic pain, clinician wellness and women's mental health.
Mr Shudley Raubenheimer - Deputy Nurse Manager at Tygerberg Hospital. His areas of responsibility are the Intensive care units, Accident and Emergency areas as well as Operating theatres. His qualifications include: Registered Nurse(community, Psychiatry) and Accoucheur, Diploma in Intensive care nursing, Diploma Nursing Management. He is a member of Tygerberg Hospital Clinical Ethics Committee.

Dr Beryl Leibbrandt graduated from with an MBCHB from the University of Cape Town. She then went on to follow her passion for paediatrics and qualified as a paediatrician from the University of Cape Town. She worked as a paediatric consultant at Paarl Hospital for many years and then at Tygerberg Hospital in the HIV paediatric clinic. In her retirement, she continues to do sessions at KBH. I have also become involved in pastoral care work at Tygerberg and Karl Bremer Hospital where she provides counselling and emotional support to the patients.
Dr Ryan Davids MBChB, DA (SA), MMED (Anaes), FCA, MPhil (Applied Ethics). Is a consultant anaesthetist and an intensive care fellow at Tygerberg Hospital as well as a senior lecturer in department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care at Stellenbosch University. His areas of research and interest include advance directives and end of life care.