​Matie Buddies 

​How to be a Matie Buddy (For mainstream students) 

Are you outgoing? Up for an adventure? Do you like to help people? Make them feel at home? As a Matie Buddy, your primary role is to start communicating with the international exchange students coming to Stellenbosch University. The idea behind this is so that you can provide them that extra help that we all need when moving to a new country. Secondly it is also encouraged that the Matie Buddies help out with the intergration event that take place each smeester.​

Buddy Guidelines

These are the conditions to which you commit when signing up as a Matie Buddy
  • Make contact with your International Student Buddy during the June and December holiday. 
  • Try to ensure that you are able to maintain contact throughout the semester.
  • Attend a compulsory first meeting.
  • Optional: Volunteer to help out during the Welcome and Orientation program, ISOS, International Food Evening, Campus Tours, Intercultural Competency Initiative and various other intergrative events that take place throughtout the semester.

Most of all, we want all of this to be an adventure! Think of it as seeing the world while in Stellenbosch!
Take 2 minutes and fill in the form online to register as a buddy. http:​//www0.sun.ac.za/international/currentstudents/international-opportunities-for-su-students/be-a-matie-buddy.html

​Get a Matie Buddy ( new International Students)

Are you an international exchange student coming to Stellenbosch University in 2018? Feeling worried or anxious about the new environment? Don't be - just sign up for a Matie Buddy! 

A Matie Buddy is a local student who will make contact with you before your arrival in Stellenbosch. They, along with the staff of Stellenbosch University International, will help you settle into life at Stellenbosch University, providing you with all the necessary information. 

It is not mandatory to apply for a Matie Buddy, but we recommend that you do so. Submit your application as soon as possible to get in touch with your buddy before you begin packing! 

Take 2 minutes and fill in the application form! For more information contact us at acj@sun.ac.za.