Please see available Postdoctoral Fellowship positions at Stellenbosch University.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity Available:
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Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Research focus: Design and implementation of a series of forest research experiments
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| | Dr Dawvid Drew
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Research focus: Multitlingual code-switched speech corpus and systems
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| Prof Thomas Niesler
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Game Meat Value Chains
Research focus: Analysis of wildlife economy opportunities, barriers, and recommendations for the scaling up of game meat value chains across Africa
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| Deborah Vorhies
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Scope of Research: Extremely-low-resource radio browsing for humanitarian monitoringClick here to read more
| | Prof Thomas Niesler
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Scope of Research: Localis ation of the Mozilla Common Voice platform for South Africa n languages Click here to read more
| | Prof Febe de Wet