Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Free Writing advice

Do you need a bit of extra help with your writing assignments? Are there writing issues you struggle with?


​The Writing Lab of the University's Language Centre offers a free one-to-one consultation service to all students and staff of the University. For students who would like support or advice on their writing, friendly, trained consultants can assist with any assignments. If you struggle to get started on assignments or worry that your ideas are not clear and do not flow well, you will get guidance at the Writing Lab. You will be supported to improve and sharpen your writing skills, and your improved skills definitely lead to better marks.

A consultation session is 50 minutes long, but you are encouraged to come for follow-up consultations until you are satisfied with your writing.

We do not do editing at the Writing Lab, but rather advise you on how to improve your text. Our aim is to equip you as a writer with writing skills which you can use in other writing tasks. 

Consultation appointments can be made 48 hours in advance online through KENAKO, the Writing lab's electronic appointment system, on MyMaties, or at the Language Centre at 22 Crozier Street.

Contact Anne-Mari Lackay or Vinelene Hartley for more information at 021 808 2989/2161 or amlackay@sun.ac.za / vhartley@sun.ac.za.

For information about other services please visit our website at http://www0.sun.ac.za/languagecentre