Die Afrika-landbouleierskapprogram

inisiatief is gerig op vooraanstaande jong beroepslui en leiers in die
Afrika landbou-omgewing en bied akademiese en operasionele ondervinding
in die agribesigheidsomgewing aan. Die program is oor 'n tydperk van
drie jaar as 'n vennootskap tussen die Standard Bank Sentrum vir
Agribesigheidsontwikkeling en -leierskap en die Royal Agricultural University (RAU) in die VK geïmplementeer en word deur die African Fellowship Trust
(AFT) befonds. Die program behels 'n magistervlakkomponent, asook
netwerkgeleenthede en internskapplasings in Suid-Afrikaanse
Totaal van 18 uitgekose jong beroepslui uit Afrika het Suid-Afrika
reeds besoek. Ná 'n oriëntasietydperk aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch
bring hulle ses weke by geselekteerde agribesighede op 'n
nywerheidsinternskap-basis deur. Die deelnemende instansies was KaapAgri
op Malmesbury, TSB op Malelane, die Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad
(NLBR) en Nerpo in Pretoria, Haygrove Tunnels op Grabouw, AgriMega op
Bredasdorp, ZZ2 op Moketsi, Standard Bank in Johannesburg, die
Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch, Wes Vrystaat Aartappelsaad Mty, Christiana
en Pioneer Foods in die Paarl.
Akademiese Navorsingsprogram

Die Sentrum het in die Departement Landbou-ekonomie deel aan nagraadse opleiding in agribestuur en -ontwikkeling op PhD- en magistervlak. Een en twintig Suid-Afrikaanse studente is reeds sedert 2010 bygestaan met beurse van o.a. AgriSeta en SantamAgri, die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Landbou en die African Fellows Trust, en hierdie studente verteenwoordig 'n gesonde balans in terme van demografie, ras en geslag.
Die navorsingsprogram fokus op gevallestudies in landboutransformasie, mededingendheid en voedselsekerheidsbestuur, asook die inskakeling van nuwe boere/kleinboere in kommersiële agri-voedselwaardeketting.
NDANGA, L.Z.D., LOUW, and A. & VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2010) Increasing domestic consumption of South African wines: Identifying the key market segments of the "Black Diamonds". Agrekon, 49.3
VAN NIEKERK, J.A., VAN ROOYEN, C.J., STROEBEL, A., WHITFIELD, K.P. AND SWANEPOEL, F.J.C. (2010) Towards designing a new agricultural extension service for the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension,
SEFOKO, N., VAN ROOYEN, C.J., D'HAESE, L. AND D'HAESE, M. (2010) Good governance and social responsibility in the South African wine industry. Scientific Journal XXV .Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J., ESTERHUIZEN, D AND STROEBEL, L. (2011) Analysing the competitiveness of the South African wine industry, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol.14, Issue 4.
D'HAESE, L., NKUNZIMANA, T., VAN DAMME, E., VINK.N. , VAN ROOYEN, C.J., REMAUT - DE WINTER, A-M., STAELENS, L. AND D'HAESE, M. (2011) Kwetsbaarheidanalyse en voedselsekerheidsindicatoren in KwaZulu-Natal. Mededlingen der Zitting, vol.56 (4), Belgium.
Van Niekerk, J .A., STROEBEL, A., VAN ROOYEN, C.J., WHITFIELD, K.P. AND SWANEPOEL,F.J.C. (2011) Towards redesigning the agricultural extension service in South Africa: Views and proposals of smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, Vol. 2.
VAN ROOYEN,C.J. and ESTERHUIZEN, D. (2012) Measurement and analysis of trends in competitive performance: South African agribusiness during the 2000's. Journal of Applied Management and Finance, Vol. 4, 2012.
DE COCK,N., D'HAESE, M., VINK,N., VAN ROOYEN, C.J., SCHONFELDT,H.C. AND D'HAESE,L. (2013) Food security in the rural areas of Limpopo province, South Africa. In " Food Security" Vol.5 No 2:269-282
D'HAESE, M., VINK, N., NKUNZIMANA, T., VAN DAMME, E., VAN ROOYEN, C.J., REMAUT, M., STEALENS, L and D'HEASE, L. (2013) Improving food security in the rural areas of KwaZulu - Natal province, South Africa: Too little, too slow. Development Southern Africa, Vol.30 No.3-4:468-490
DEVENDRA, C., SWANEPOEL, F.C.J., STROEBEL, A. AND VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2010) Implications and innovation strategies for enhancing the future contribution of livestock. In: Swanepoel, Frans, Stroebel, Aldo and Moyo, Siboniso. (Eds). The role of livestock in developing communities: enhancing multifunctionality. The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Waginingen, the Netherlands.
MABAYA, E., TIHANYI, K., KARAAN, M AND VAN ROOYEN, J (2011) (Eds.) Case studies of emerging farmers and agribusiness in South Africa. Sun Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J., KIRSTEN, J.F. AND HOBSON, S. (2011) The role of big agribusiness in economic transformation.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2012).Issues in food security, Key note, AgriBusiness Conference, Zambia, Lusaka, 5-6 September 2012
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2012). Scenarios for agriculture in Africa, Key Note address, Ruform Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, 24-28 September 2012
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2012). Job creation and agricultural development in South Africa, Discussion Leader, IFAMA World Conference, Shanghai, China, 20 June, 2012
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2013). Towards 2050: paradigm choices for African agriculture, Discussion Leader, IFAMA World Conference, Atlanta, USA, 16-17 June 2013.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. GREYLING, J and VERMEULEN, H. (2013). The AGRIMASS project: Aptitudes and skills for agribusiness management, IFAMA World Conference, Atlanta, USA, 16- 17 June 2013.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2013) Engaging talent to feed the world, IFAMA World Forum, Atlanta, USA, 19 June, 2013.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2013) The PMA Foundation Talent project, PMA Fresh Fruit Global Convention, New Orleans, USA, 19 October 2013.
VINK, N and VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2010) Agriculture and Food Security in South Africa. Commissioned by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA).
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. HOBSON, S and KIRSTEN, J.F. (2010) Transformation and Black Economic Empowerment in South African Agribusiness. Report to the Agribusiness Chamber, 2010.
SWANEPOEL, F and VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2011) A Strategic plan for the National Animal Information and Registration System (NARIS), Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Pretoria, 2011.
Maijers, W, Van Rooyen, C.J. and Mustafa, A. (2012) Agribusiness development in the value chain, Ethiopia. Report to the Governments of Ethiopia and the Netherlands, Addis Ababa.
Van Rooyen, C.J.Greyling, J and Vermeulen, H. (2012) Agribusiness management skills and aptitudes survey. Report for SantamAgri/Agbiz, Pretoria.
Van Rooyen, C.J, Greyling, J, and Vermeulen, H. (2013) Talent and human resource development project, Report to the PMA Foundation, St Louis USA.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2010) Innovative models for agricultural land reform in South Africa. KwaZulu Natal Planning Symposium, Durban, February, 2010
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2011) whereto with land reform in South African agriculture? Group of 14, Malmesbury.
KARAAN, A.S. VINK, N and Van ROOYEN, C.J. (2012) Reflections on Farmer Support Programmes, Carnegie 3 Conference, University of Cape Town, September 2012.
VAN ROOYEN, C.J. (2012) SA agribusiness management skills and aptitudes analysis, 2012, Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa Conference, Bloemfontein, October 2012.