Dr Antoinette van der Merwe
Senior Director
The Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement works in collaboration with faculties to:
- Promote quality learning and teaching in continuously renewed academic programmes
- Professionalise the teaching role and promote reward and recognition
- Advance a scholarly learning-centred approach to teaching
- Support and promote a multilingual environment
- Produce and share context-specific research-based responses to matters such as:
- Enriching the learning environment of students and academics
- Supporting the professional learning of academics
- Developing, establishing and sharing innovative learning, teaching and assessment practices
- Programme review and renewal
- Academic planning and quality assurance
- Promoting individual as well as institutional multilingualism
- Developing academic and professional literacies and facilitating language learning
- Professional language services such as translation, editing and interpreting
- Harnessing learning technologies to enhance the reach and richness of learning activities for both residential and off-campus students
- Extended learning spaces
- Student tracking and success
The Division's expertise is organised into four centres and one Strategic project:
You are welcome to contact me (advdm@sun.ac.za / 021-8083075) or any of the four centres or project in the Division directly.
Cultivating a multilingual mindset at SU
The Division hosts a language day every second or third year. These days are about sharing the opportunities and possibilities multilingualism offers, and they provide opportunities for academics, students and professional academic support service (PASS) staff to learn from each other in re-imagining conversations around language at SU.
Language Day 2021 we discussed ways of integrating a multilingual mindset into teaching, learning and assessment, and social life outside the lecture halls. Visit our
Multilingual mindset page (also available in
Afrikaans and
isiXhosa) to read more about the conversations on the day, or to watch the contributions by the different panel members.
Language Day 2018 was also a memorable event. Follow the open and frank conversations that were had