Centre for Learning Technologies
Welcome to Stellenbosch University


​​​​​​​​The Centre for Learning Technologies promotes an evidence-based approach in terms of the integration of learning technologies in learning and teaching practices.  

Academic Developme​​nt

Source Link Resourse Type Context
Professional learning Fieldman, ​J. & Fataar, A. 2014. Conceptualising the setting up of a professional learning community for teachers' pedagogical learning. South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(5), 1525-1540. Link OER SU
Care-full professional learning Herman, N., Bitzer, E. & Leibowitz, B. 2018. Professional learning for teaching at a research-intensive university: The need for a 'care-full' environment. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(6), 99-116. Link OER SU
​Professional development
​Noben, I., Deinum, J.F., Douwes-van Ark, I.M.E. & Hofman, W.H.A. 2021. How is a professional development programme related to the development of university teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and teaching conceptions? Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume 68, 100966.
​Online Journal

​Teaching quality

​Noben, I., Maulana, R., Deinum, J.F. et al. 2021. Measuring university teachers’ teaching quality: a Rasch modelling approach. Learning Environ Res 24, 87–107.
​Online Journal
​Professional development
​Pashaliev, E. 2022. Investigating the online teaching experiences of educators during the Covid-19 lockdown. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
Theoretical framework; Professional Development
Quinn, L. 2003. A Theoretical Framework for Professional Development in South African University. International Journal for Academic Development, 8:1-2, 61-75. Link Online Journal National
Educationa​l developers; threshold concepts Timmermans, J.A. 2014. Identifying threshold concepts in the careers of educational developers. International Journal for Academic Development, 19(4), 305-317. Link Online Journal International
Academic developers course Vorster, J. & Quinn, L. 2015. Towards shaping the field: theorising the knowledge in a formal course for academic developers. Higher Education Research & Development, 34:5, 1031-1044. Link​ Online Journal Nationa​l


Source Link Resourse Type Context
Arificial intelligence Cotton, D.R.E., Cotton, P.A., Shipway, R. 2023. Chatting and cheating, ensuring academic integrity in the era of ChatGPT. EdArXiv. January 10. doi:10.35542/osf.io/mrz8h. Link Online Journal International
Online preparation Gilmore, J., Wolff, K. & Bladergroen, M. (2017). The night before the test: electrical engineering student use of online resources to prepare for assessment. The 4th biennial Conference of the South African Society for Engineering Education. Cape Town: SASEE Link Online Journal SU
Transformation of assessment Jurane-Bremane, A. 2021. The digital transformation of assessment: challenges and opportunities. Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 352-363. https://doi.org/10.22364/htqe.2021.25 Link Online Journal International
Artificial intelligence Mollick, E. & Mollick, L. 2022. New Modes of Learning Enabled by AI Chatbots: Three Methods and Assignments. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4300783 Link Online Journal International
Digital technology O'Leary, M, Scully, D, Karakolidis, A, Pitsia, V. The state-of-the-art in digital technology-based assessment. Eur J Educ. 2018; 53: 160– 175. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejed.12271 Link Online Journal International
Artificial intelligence Swiecki, Z., et al. 2022. Assessment in the age of artificial intelligence. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100075(3). doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100075. Link​ Online Journal Internationa​l

Blended Learning

Source Link Resourse Type Context
BL class culture Bertrand, R. (2014). Eight ways to build blended learning class culture. Edsurge. [Online]. Link International
Affordances; Learning tasks Bower, M. 2008. Affordance analysis – matching learning tasks with learning technologies. Educational Media International 45(1), p. 3-15.
Clark, R.C. & Mayer, L. 2018. E-Learning and the Science of Instruction. 
Blended learning Collopy, R.M.B. & Arnold, J.M. 2009. To Blend or Not To Blend: Online and Blended Learning Environments in Undergraduate Teacher Education. Issues in Teacher Education 18(2), p. 85-101.
Learning design Davidse, Z.A.A. & Fourie-Malherbe, M. 2021. Learning by design: enhancing the digital literacy of adult learners in a blended learning environment. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. Link​ Print SU
Future of BL Mehesh, K. (2017). Blended Learning is the future. Mail & Guardian. [Online]. Link
​Blended learning
​Motake, S. 2020. Examining how integrating digital technology with traditional media impats the process of artmaking in the art classroom: a case study of grade 6 class in an independent girls school in Gauteng. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
Blended learning
​Pedro, M. & Van der Merwe, M. 2020. Taalonderwysers se perspektiewe aangaande vervlegte leer as onderrig- en leerbenadering vir die 21ste-eeuse leerder. LitNet Akademies, 17(1):372-409.
Online Journal​ ​SU
Drivers and barriers to BL 
Porter, W.W., Graham, C.R., Bodily, R.G., & Sandberg, D.S. (2016). A qualitative analysis of institutional drivers and barriers to blended learning adoption in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 28, 17-27.  Link International
Generations Swanepoel, G.P. & Bruwer, A. 2020. Educating the always-on generation in an Instant(gram) #blendedlearning. Perspectives in Education [Electronic], 38(1):16-29.  [2021, December 13]. Link Online Journal SU
​Blended Learning
​Sunnasy, A. 2020. Exploring nurse educators lived experiences with technolgy-mediated education within private nursing colleges in Gauteng. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
​Blended Learning
​Taylor, A. 2021. Die integrasie van leertegnologie deur vermengde leer in die onderrig van Afrikaans huistaal. Ongepubliseerde PhD verhandeling. Stellenbosch: Universiteit Stellenbosch.
​Doctoral Thesis
​Blended Learning
​Taylor, R. & Van der Merwe, M. 2021. Vermengde leer in die Afrikaans huistaalklaskamer : onderrigbenaderings en leertegnologie in harmonie. LitNet Akademies, 18(3):402-464.
​Online Journal
Blended learning
Z. F. Zimba, P. Khosa & R. Pillay. 2021. Using blended learning in South African social work education to facilitate student engagement. Social Work Education [Electronic], 40(2):263-278.  [2021, November 18]. Link​
Online Journal

Digital Pedagogies

Source Link
Resourse Type Context
Artificial intelligence Aldosari, S.A.M. 2020. The future of higher education in the light of artificial intelligence transformations. International Journal of Higher Education [Electronic], 9(3):145–151. [2020, December 14].
Link Online Journal International
Humanising Pedagogy  Anderson, M. 2018. Humanization in the digital age: A critique of technophilia in education. Educational Policy Studies Dissertations [Electronic].   Link Online Journal International
Human Resource Development Anderson, V. 2020. A digital pedagogy pivot: re-thinking higher education practice from an HRD perspective. Human Resource Development International [Electronic], 23(4):452–467. Link​ Online Journal International
Student-centredness Blackie, M., Case, J.M. & Jawitz, J. 2010. Student-centredness: the link between transforming students and transforming ourselves. Teaching in Higher Education, 15(6), 637-646.  Link OER SU
ERTLA Booysen. M.J.  & Wolff, K. 2021. Exclusion from constructive alignment unmasked by emergency teaching. In Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium [Electronic], December 2021.
Link Symposium SU
Mobile technologies Bosman, J.P. & Strydom, S. 2016. Mobile technologies for learning: Exploring critical mobile learning literacies as enabler of graduateness in South African research-led University. British Journal of Educational Technology 47(3), 510-519.  Link Online Journal SU
Artificial intelligence Bozkurt, A., Karadeniz, A., Baneres, D., Guerrero-Roldán, A. E., & Rodríguez, M. E. 2021. Artificial intelligence and reflections from educational landscape: A review of AI studies in half a century. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(2), 1–16. Link​ Online Journal International
ERTLA Cattell-Holden, K., Jacobs, A. & Bobo, B. 2020. In transition: Reflections on liminality on COVID-19 in the AD environment. HELTASA Link Conference SU
Artificial intelligence Crompton, H., & Song, D. 2021. The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (62), 1–4. Link​ Online Journal International
Humanising Pedagogy  Czerkawaski, B.C. & Schmidt, N. 2017. Editorial: Why we need to humanize online education. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies.  Link
Online Article International
Policy Czerniewicz, L., & Rother, K. 2018. Institutional educational technology policy and strategy documents: An inequality gaze.  Link
ERTLA Davids, N. 2021. COVID-19: undoing our "normal" to find our humanity. South African Journal of Higher Education [Electronic], 35(1):178-191. 
Digital Pedagogies Davis, C. et al. 2019. Teaching International Social Work in a Global Classroom. Journal of social work education [Electronic], 55(2):327–337. 
Link Online Journal SU
​Online Teaching
​Davis, N.L., Gough, M. & Taylor, L. 2019. Online teaching: advantages, obstacles and tools for getting it right. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 19(3), 256-263.
Online Journal
Humanising Pedagogy 
Del Carmen Salazar, M. 2013. A Humanizing Pedagogy: Reinventing the Principles and Practice of Education as a Journey Toward Liberation. Review of Research in Education, 37(1), 121-148. Link Online Journal International
​Course design
​Erasmus, R. 2022. A framework for designing South African mobile learning experiences through a participatory design process. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University

Fataar, A. 2019. "In the belly of the beast": South Africa's education discourses assosciated with the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Litnet.  Link University seminar SU
ERTLA Fataar, A. & Norodien-Fataar, N. 2021. Towards an apporach to pedagogy based on e-learning ecologies in a post-Covid world. Journal of Educaiton [Electronic], 84:155-168. 
Link Online Journal SU
ERTLA Feldman, J. 2020. An ethics of care: PGCE students' experiences of online learning during Covid-19. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL) [Electronic], 8(2):1-17. 
UD4L Ferguson, Britt T et al. 2019. Inclusion, Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education: South Africa and the United States. African journal of disability [Electronic], 8(1):1–7. 
Online preparation Gilmore, J., Wolff, K. & Bladergroen, M. (2017). The night before the test: electrical engineering student use of online resources to prepare for assessment. The 4th biennial Conference of the South African Society for Engineering Education. Cape Town: SASEE Link Online Journal SU
​Open distance e-Learning
​Jacobs, L., Frick, L. & Rule, P.N. 2020. Cohort supervision as an approach at postgraduate level: a conceptual framework for an open distance e-learning university. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Jordaan, M., Groenewald, A. 2021. Suddenly Apart, Yet Still Connected: South African Postgraduate Journalism Students’ Responses to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator [Electronic], 76(4):425-438. 
Mutual Vulnerability; Humanising Pedagogy Keet, A., Zinn, D. & Porteus, K. 2009. Mutual vulnerability: a key principle in humanising pedagogy in post-conflict societies. Perspectives in Education, 27(2), 109-119. Link Online Journal National  
Digital Wellbeing Koch, C., Sinclair, E. & Strydom, S. 2021. Entering the world of digital wellbeing. Stellenbosch University.  Link OER SU
ERTLA Kruger, K., Wolff, K. & Cairncross, K. 2021. Real, Virtual or Simulated: approaches to emergency remote learning in engineering. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, [Electronic].
Link Online Journal SU
Critical digital pedagogies; lurking Kuhn, C., Havemann, L., Koseoglu, S. & Bozkurt, A. 2021. Three Lenses on Lurking: Making Sense of Digital Silence, in: Hoffman, J. & Blessinger, P. (Eds.). International perspectives in online instruction. Emerald Publishing Limited. 83-93. Link OER National
Online Community of Practice Lewis, C., Wolff, K. & Bekker, B. 2021. Supporting project-based education through a community of practice: a case of postgraduate renewable energy students. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education [Electronic], 19-1. Link Online Journal SU
Artificial intelligence Loftus, M., & Madden, M. G. 2020. A pedagogy of data and Artificial Intelligence for student subjectification. Teaching in Higher Education, [Electronic], 25(4):456–475. Link Online Journal International
Accessibility Lyner-Cleophas, M. 2019. Assistive Technology Enables Inclusion in Higher Education: the Role of Higher and Further Education Disability Services Association. African journal of disability [Electronic], 8(1):1–6. 
Online Design McCaul, M. et al. 2021. Evidence synthesis workshops: moving from face-to-face to online learning. BMJ Evidence-based Medicine [Electronic], 26(5):255-260. 
Flexible Pedagogies McLinden, M. 2013. Flexible Pedagogies: part-time learners and learning in higher education. The Higher Education Academy.  Link OER International
Humanising Pedagogy  Mehta, R. & Aguilera, E. 2020. A critical approach to humanizing pedagogies in online teaching and learning. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 37(3), 109-120.  Link Online Journal International
Empathy Mehta, R. & Gleason, B. 2021. Against empathy: moving beyond colonizing practices in educational technology. Education Tech Research Development, 69, 87-90. Link Online Journal International
​Artificial intelligence
​Mollick, E. & Mollick, L. 2022. New Modes of Learning Enabled by AI Chatbots: Three Methods and Assignments. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4300783
​Online Article
Generation Z
Nel, T. & Botha, M.L. 2020. iGenerasie: die gepastheid van die natuurwetenskapsonderrig-en-leeromgewing binne 'n tersiere instelling. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. Link Print SU
Humanising Pedagogy  Nelson Mandela University Humanising Pedagogies Webinar Series Link Webinar series National
Digital Wellbeing Newport, C. 2019. Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. New York: Penguin Random House.  Link Book International
Artificial intelligence Ouyang, F., & Jiao, P. 2021. Artificial intelligence in education: The three paradigms. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2(March), 100020. Link Online Journal International
Humanising Pedagogy  Pacansky-Brock, M. & Vincent-Layton, K. 2020. Humanizing Online Teaching to equitize higher education. ResearchGate  Link OER International
ERTLA  Peters, M.A. et al 2020. Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19: An EPAT Collective Project. Educational Philosophy and Theory 1-44. Link Online Journal International
Flux Pedagogy; Critical Pedagogy; ERTLA Ravitch, S. 2020. FLUX Pedagogy: Transforming Teaching & Learning during Coronavirus. Sage Methods.  Link Online Article International
Flux Pedagogy; ERTLA Ravitch, S. 2020. Why teaching through crisis requires a radical new mindset. Harvard Business Publishing. Link Online Article International
ERTLA Robinson, M. & Rusznyak, L. 2020. Learning to teach without school-based experience: conundrums and possibilities in a South African context. Journal of Education for Teaching [Electronic], 46(4):517-527. 
Technology Rosen, L. 2013. iDisorder. Understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. Link Book International  
ERTLA Rudman, R.J. 2021. Understanding the unintended consequences of online teaching. South African Journal of Higher Education [Electronic], 35(4):1-12. Available: DOI: 10.20853/35-4-4717 [2021, December 8]. Link not working
ERTLA SAAHE HPE Research SIG. 2020. Reflections on a pandemic. Teaching and learning in the time of COVID-19. A collection of think pieces and short reports from members of SAAHE. SAAHE Link OER National and SU
Postdigital Science Savin-Baden, M. 2021. Postdigital Humans. Transitions, Transformations and Transcendence. Worcester, UK: Springer. Link eBook International
ERTLA Schmutz, A.M.S. et al. 2021. Re-imagining health professions education in the coronavirus disease 2019 era: Perspectives from South Africa. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine [Electronic], 13(1). Available: 
Critical pedagogy Selwyn, N. 2014. Distrusting educational technology. Critical questions for changing times. New York: Routledge Book International
Student motivation Shi!ft Disruptive Elearning. How to motivate the online learner.  Link OER International
Critical pedagogy Spector, J. M., & Ma, S. 2019. Inquiry and critical thinking skills for the next generation: from artificial intelligence back to human intelligence. Smart Learning Environments, 6(1). Link Online Journal International
SoTL Stellenbosch University. 2020. Virtual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference.  Link Conference SU
SoTL Stellenbosch University. 2021. Virtual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference.  Link Conference SU
Student experience; e-portfolio Strydom, S. & Barnard, M. 2017. A tale of two faculties: exploring student experiences of e-portfolio implementation as a vehicle of reflective learning at Stellenbosch Universiy. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 12(2). Link OER SU
​Humanising Pedagogies
​Strydom, S & De Klerk, M. 2021. Humanising pedagogies to facilitate digital learning. University World News. 
​Online article
ERTLA Strydom, S., Herman, N., Adendorff, H. & De Klerk, M. 2020. Responding to the necessity for change. Higher Education voices from the South during the COVID-19 crisis. Stellenbosch University. 
Digital literacies Strydom, S., Wessels, H. & Anley, C. 2021. Moving beyond the tools: Pre-service teachers' views on what they value in a digital literacy short course. South African Journal of Childhood Educaiton, 11(1). Link OER SU
​Artificial intelligence
​Swiecki, Z., et al. 2022. Assessment in the age of artificial intelligence. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100075(3). doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100075.
​Online Journal
​Professional development
​Taylor, R. & Van Der Merwe, M. 2022. Die oorbrugging van pedagogiese en tegnologiese pedagogiese kennisleemtes van Afrikaans Huistaalonderwysers. LitNet Akademies Jaargang 19(1).
​Online Journal
Digital Pedagogies
Van der Merwe, M.F. 2020. Scaffolding for Content Knowledge of Home Language Learning by Collaborative Online Dictionaries. Per Linguam: a Journal of Language Learning [Electronic], 36(1). 
Link Online Journal SU
Digital Scholar Van Petegem, W. Bosman, J.P., De Klerk, M. & Strydom, S. 2021. Evolving as a digital scholar. Leuven: Leuven University Press Link
OER International and SU
Online Pedagogy Waghid, Y. 2021. On the unintended consequences of online teaching: a response. South African Journal of Higher Education [Electronic], 35(4):13-15. Available: DOI: 10.20853/35-4-4719 [2021, December 13]. Link OER SU
​Pedagogical framework
​Wegerif, R. & Mercer, N. 1997. A Dialogical Framework for Investigating Peer Talk. In Wegerif, R. & Scrimshaw, P. (Eds). Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom, pp. 49-65. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
​Book Chapter

Wessels, L. & Fourie-Malherbe, M. 2020. How South African universities can contribute to preparing the future workforce for the Fourth Inustrial Revolution. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.  Link​ Print SU
Decolonisation; Humanising Pedagogy Zembylas, M. 2018. Decolonial possibilities in South African higher education: Reconfiguring humanising pedagogies as/with decolonising pedagogies. South African Journal of Education, 38(4), 1-11. Link Online Journal National​

Learning Technology Tools​

Sou​​rce Link Resourse Type Context
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources 12 Shortish Videos on Teaching in a Digital Age Link Video International
Bloom's digital taxonomy Churches, A. 2019. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. ResearchGate. [Online] 
Link Document International
Academic writing
Du Toit, J. 2020. Trajectories of learning: The use of multimodal resources to enhance academic writing development in open and distance e-learning. Unpublished Phd thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
Link Thesis
​Social media
​Gotze, A. 2022. Die gebruik van Instagram in 'n taakgebaseerde gemengdeleerbenadering vir Afrikaanstaalverweringstudente. Ongepubliseerde meestersverhandeling. Stellenbosch: Universiteit Stellenbosch
Link ​Thesis
Digital Dictionary
Heick, T. 2021. The teacher dictionary by TeachThought: Terminology in modern pedagogy. Link Dictionary International
Learning theory HOTEL. Concept map: Holistic approach to technology enhanced learning
Link Infographic International
Bloom's digital taxonomy
McNulty, N. 2017. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. [Online] Link Document
​Artificial intelligence
​Mollick, E. & Mollick, L. 2022. New Modes of Learning Enabled by AI Chatbots: Three Methods and Assignments. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4300783
​Online Article

​Game-based learning

​Stack, M.D.L. 2021. Removing impediments to game-based learning in southern african history classrooms through Napoleon Total War. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.

​Course design

​Trowsdale, Dan, and Alison McKay. 2023. EdVee: A Visual Diagnostic and Course Design Tool for Constructive Alignment. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 11.

​Online Journal


​Online dictionaries

​Van der Merwe, M. F. 2020. Scaffolding for content knowledge of home language learning by collaborative online dictionaries. Per Linguam : a Journal of Language Learning, 36(1):1-14, doi:10.5785/36-1-893.

Online Journal


​Blended learning

​Van der Walt, L. 2022. The value of an e-learning bundle in the acquisition of a clinical skill: exploring the perceptions of third-year medical students at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University



​Game-based learning

​Von Leipzig, T. 2022. Adaptive games for learner and systems (bidirectional) learning. Unpublished Phd thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University

Social Justice​

Sou​​rce Link Resourse Type Context
​Dialogic Teaching Framework
​Alexander, R. 2018. Developing dialogic teaching: genesis, process, trial. Research Papers in Education, pp. 1-38. DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2018.1481140.
Online Journal International​
Dialogic Teaching Framework
​Alexander, RJ & Wolfe, S 2008, Argumentation and dialogic teaching: alternative pedagogies for a changing world. Futurelab, London.
Online article
​Fourth industrial revolution
​Asiimwe, M.M. 2022. Towards an integration of socio-technical trnasitions and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
​Blackie, M., Case, J.M. & Jawitz, J. 2010. Student-centredness: the link between transforming students and transforming ourselves. Teaching in Higher Education, 15(6), 637-646. 
Learning analytics
Broughan, C., & Prinsloo, P. 2020. (Re)centering students in learning analytics: In conversation with Paulo Freire. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(4), 617–628.
​Student experience
​Combrink, L. 2020. Re-negotiating space and place: Intersections between migration and schooling in Kayamandi (Stellenbosch, Western Cape). Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
​Czerniewicz, L. et al. 2020. A wake-up call: equity, inequality and Covid-19 emergency remote teaching and learning. Postdigital Science and Education, 2:946–967, doi:10.1007/s42438-020-00187-4.
​Online Journal
De Beer, J. 2019. The decolonisation of the curriculum project. The affordances of indigenous knowledge fo self-directed learning. NWU Self-Directed Learning Series. AOSIS.  Link OER National
Humanising Pedagogy  Del Carmen Salazar, M. 2013. A Humanizing Pedagogy: Reinventing the Principles and Practice of Education as a Journey Toward Liberation. Review of Research in Education, 37(1), 121-148. Link Online Journal International
​Student access
​DHET. Students' access to and use of learning materials. Survey report 2020. Pretoria: DHET. 
Link​ ​Online book
Student engagement
Fataar, A. 2012. Pedagogical justice and student engagement in South African schooling: working with the cultural of disadvantaged students. Perspectives in Education, 30(4) Link Online Journal SU
​​Humanising Pedagogy 
Fataar, A. 2016. Towards humanising pedagogy through an engageme​​nt with the social-subective in educational theorising in South Africa. Educational Research for Social Change, 5(1), 10-21. 
Online Journal
Decolonisation  Fataar, A. 2018. (How) can decoloniality inform "educational (curriculum) knowledge" selection? Litnet. 
Link University seminar SU
​Student success
​Fokkens-Bruinsma, M., Vermue, C., Deinum, J. F., & van Rooij , E. 2021. First-year academic achievement: The role of academic self-efficacy, self-regulated learning and beyond classroom engagement. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(7), 1115-1126. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2020.1845606
​Online Journal
Mutual Vulnerability; Humanising Pedagogy
Keet, A., Zinn, D. & Porteus, K. 2009. Mutual vulnerability: a key principle in humanising pedagogy in post-conflict societies. Perspectives in Education, 27(2), 109-119. Link Online Journal National  
Learner-centred Le Grange, L. 2020. Rethinking Learner-Centred Education: Bridging Knowledge Cultures.  African Education Review, 16(6), 229-245.  Link Online Journal SU
Flexible Pedagogies McLinden, M. 2013. Flexible Pedagogies: part-time learners and learning in higher education. The Higher Education Academy.  Link OER International
​Student experience; e-portfolio
​Strydom, S. & Barnard, M. 2017. A tale of two faculties: exploring student experiences of e-portfolio implementation as a vehicle of reflective learning at Stellenbosch Universiy. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 12(2).
​Power relations
​Tshuma, N. 2021. The vulnerable insider : navigating power, positionality and being in educational technology research. Learning, Media and Technology. Learning, Media and Technology, 46(2):218-229. doi:10.1080/17439884.2021.1867572.
​Online Journal
​Van Heerden, A. et al. 2020. Emerging Opportunities Provided by Technology to Advance Research in Child Health Globally. Global Pediatric Health, 7:1-9. doi:10.1177/2333794X20917570.
​Online Journal
​Pedagogical framework
​Wegerif, R. & Mercer, N. 1997. A Dialogical Framework for Investigating Peer Talk. In Wegerif, R. & Scrimshaw, P. (Eds). Computers and Talk in the Primary Classroom, pp. 49-65. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 
​Book Chapter
​Fourth industrial revolution
​Wessels, L. How South African universities can contribute to preparing the future workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University
Decolonisation; Humanising Pedagogy
Zembylas, M. 2018. Decolonial possibilities in South African higher education: Reconfiguring humanising pedagogies as/with decolonising pedagogies. South African Journal of Education, 38(4), 1-11. Link Online Journal National
Humanising Pedagogy 
Zinn, D. & Rodgers, C. 2012. A humanising pedagogy: Getting beneath the rhetoric. Perspectives in Education, 30(4), 77-87.
Link Online Journal
