Centre for Learning Technologies
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The Centre for Learning Technologies is committed to creating professional learning opportunities for staff in their efforts to meaningfully include learning technology into their courses for students. The Centre offers two accredited short courses in Blended Learning which provides a community of practice in which staff members can further develop knowledge in the theoretical and practical aspects of technology-mediated teaching, learning and assessment. These short courses are offered free to staff members.

The Learning Technology Support team in the Centre also provides basic training session on the use of SUNLearn and/or other University-supported software.

Click on any of the courses, training or support available to find out more. ​​​

Short Course:
AI and Socially Responsive Pedagogies


​This short course offers teach​ing academics at SU an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience in the increasingly important topic of increased automation and its role and impact on human-related TLA practices in HE
Rooted in a social justice perspective, the course is designed for academics keen on the impact and role of increased automation (e.g. AI) on people, places and practices within the HE TLA landscape.
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Upskilling Learning Units (ULUs): Introduction to Blended Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Stellenbosch University uses the term ‘Blended Learning’ to refer to the application of technologies to support teaching, learning and assessment practices. This series of introductory ULUs aims to help teaching staff critically analyse and implement blended learning​​​ approaches effectively to support student learning.
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Upskilling Learning Units (ULUs): Advanced Blended Teaching, Learning and Assessment

To advance our Blended Learning approaches, we incorporate Diana Laurillard's Six Ways of Learning (2012) as pedagogical strategies. This series of more advanced ULUs aims to improve learning activities by testing and applying learning technologies that support 1) knowledge acquisition, 2) collaboration, 3) discussion, 4) investigation, 5) practice and 6) production.
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Short Course: AI and Sociall​y Respon​​​sive Pe​dagogies​​

The course offers teaching academics at SU an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience in the increasingly important topic of increased automation and its role and impact on human-related TLA practices in HE.

The course will draw on sound theoretical perspectives, evidence-based practices, appropriate models & frameworks, combined with the opportunity to think innovatively and creatively about the shift in the relationship between machine and humans.

Rooted in a social justice perspective, the course is designed for academics that have a keen interest in the impact and role of increased automation (e.g. AI) on people, places and practices within the HE TLA landscape. Participants should want to learn more about : (1) their own theoretical understanding and positioning of digital technologies viz human adoption and use, (2) broadening their own understanding and practice in how to communicate and critically engage with automated tools such as GenAI, (3) develop a deeper knowledge and understanding about the broader impact of increased automation on power relations and marginalised students and staff, (4) collaboratively and innovatively explore practical ways in which such issues could potentially be addressed in the in- and out-of-class learning experience.

Course outcomes

After completion of the course, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Outline broad theoretical perspectives in explaining the relationship between humans and machines, 
  2. Identify critical AI literacies appropriate for their unique disciplinary contexts, ​
  3. Apply newly acquired knowledge in using different prompting techniques to communicate with GenAI, 
  4. ​Evaluate and apply different social justice perspectives in relation to AI and their own disciplinary contexts, and 
  5. Develop a working understanding of how to adapt existing TLA practices to enable a more inclusive learning experience when engaging with GenAI.​


Topic 1: Introduction to social justice in the HE digital sphere

Topic 2: Developing critical AI literacies

Topic 3: Exploring the interplay between AI and socially just pedagogies

Topic 4: AI, social justice and praxis

Topic 5: Final assignment

Mode of participation

Flexible mode: weekly sessions occur in person or via Teams, with the rest of the week open for preparation and task completion.

​​​​The average hours that a participant could expect to spend on the course is 40 notional hours over 5 weeks.

Dates for 2025

First semester 2025: 3 March - 11 April

Second semester 2025: 11 August - 19 September

After successful completion, the participant will receive an official short course certificate. 

Enrol for the course

To indicate your interest in the first-semester course, please email Magriet de Villiers at mdev@sun.ac.za​​​.

Upskilling Learning Units (ULUs): Introduction to Blended Teac​​​​​hing, Lea​rning and Assessment

Stellenbosch University uses the term ‘Blended Learning’ to refer to the application of technologies to support teaching, learning and assessment practices. This series of introductory ULUs aims to help teaching staff critically analyse and implement blended learning​​​ approaches effectively to support student learning.​

Each ULU is open for one year and can be completed at your own time and pace. You will receive a SUNLearn badge for each ULU completed and a document of completion for completing one whole series of ULUs. ​

ULU-series outcomes

After completion of the ULUs, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe the field of educational technology,
  2. Apply the theoretical grounding of Blended Learning,
  3. Apply their developed practical and context-specific skills in the integration of learning technologies into the curriculum, and
  4. Explain the concept of e-assessment and how to apply it in an assessment strategy.

Click on the ULU topic to register

  • Understanding Blended Learning
  • Creating & integrating multimedia 
  • Online engagement and collaboration
  • E-Assessment 
  • Entire ULU series

Notional hours

The maximum hours that a participant could expect to spend on a ULU is 3 hours.


These ULUs are available to complete throughout the year at your own time and pace.


Click on the individual registration links above to enrol via SUN e-HR. You will receive an email from the Centre for Learning Technologies with your enrollment details once access has been manually granted​.

Upskilling Learning Units (ULUs): Advanced Blended Teaching, Learning and Assessment​

To advance our Blended Learning approaches, we incorporate Diana Laurillard's Six Ways of Learning (2012) as pedagogical strategies. This series of more advanced ULUs aims to improve learning activities by testing and applying learning technologies that support 1) knowledge acquisition, 2) collaboration, 3) discussion, 4) investigation, 5) practice and 6) production.​​

Each ULU is open for one year and can be completed at your own time and pace. You will receive a SUNLearn badge for each ULU completed and a document of completion for completing one whole series of ULUs. ​​​

ULU-series outcomes

After completion of the ULUs, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Analyse the pedagogical strategies of Laurillard's Six Ways of Learning,
  2. Search, assess and use up-to-date learning technologies in order to improve their teaching,
  3. Design, develop and implement meaningful learning experiences in order to activate learning.

Click on the ULU topic to register​

  • ​Read, watch, listen
  • Investigate
  • Produce 
  • Discuss 
  • ​Collaborate
  • Practice
  • ​Reflection  
  • Entire ULU-series

Notional hours

The maximum hours that a participant could expect to spend on a ULU is 3 hours.


These ULUs are available to complete throughout the year at your own time and pace.


Click on the individual registration links above to enrol via SUN e-HR. You will receive an email from the Centre for Learning Technologies with your enrollment details once access has been manually granted​.



For ULU and short course queries, please contact:

General course information

Ms Magriet de Villiers

Learning Technologies

+27 21 808 9905
+27 21 808 3565​​


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