The use of student feedback should first aim to empower individual lecturers to improve their teaching. Only thereafter should feedback be used for any other purpose, and then with great circumspection.
The reliability of student feedback results could be affected by various factors (response rates, the time of obtaining feedback, etc.) These and other factors that could influence the results should be taken into account when interpreting the results.
Lecturers are encouraged to, in turn, provide feedback to students about the use and impact of student feedback to promote TLA.
The 2018 Learning and Teaching Policy (point 7.1.3) indicates that student feedback is the primary source of information about students' experiences of learning and teaching, but that the data should be used in combination with other sources of feedback. Examples of such sources are Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs), feedback from colleagues, self-evaluation and reflection and literature.
Student feedback is collected through two key opportunities each semester: one at mid-semester and another at the end of the semester. The differences between these two feedback opportunities are outlined below:
Mid-semester feedback
| End-of-semester feedback |
- Feedback is purely formative
- Results will only be shared with the lecturer(s) of the module.
- The survey instrument consists of three open-ended questions
- The intention is to provide indications of how student learning can be enhanced in the remainder of the module.
| - Equivalent of our current formal feedback
- The survey instrument uses an eight-question survey with Likert scale responses
- Results will be shared with the lecturer and his/her line management function.
Timing is important: Experience has shown that the response rates of surveys that open only once classes have ended are considerably lower than those taken before the end of a module. Ideally, students should have the opportunity to raise their needs and concerns before classes come to an end. It is important to discuss such issues with them and to demonstrate that lecturers value their feedback and respond to it
Stakeholder Student Feedback Processes:

Distribution of reports:
Once the questionnaire closes, the Student Feedback Office will distribute feedback reports through the SUNFeedback system within 7 days. These reports will be sent to the following stakeholders:
- Individual Lecturers
- Heads of Department
- Vice-Deans (Teaching and Learning)
Programme Feedback Questionnaire:
Note: The review process of the Program Feedback Form will no longer take place. Until further notice, the form is not available for use.