SU International
Welcome to Stellenbosch University



Electronic Newsletters  




The quarterly International@StellenboschUni newsletter aims to keep you informed of international news and developments at Stellenbosch University. It covers international features, global perspectives, news from the continent and abroad as well as international opportunities for SU staff and students.  Subscribe here

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​Print Publications


Sustainable Development for The Africa We Want

SU has a vision to be the leading research-intensive university on the African continent, and to
be globally recognised as excellent, inclusive, and innovative, and a place where we advance
knowledge in service of society. We believe in living this vision daily through the work that we
do in teaching and learning, research, and ensuring a societal impact. One of the aspirations for
the realization of our vision is to be a systemically sustainable institution.


2021/2022 Annual Report

In Touch

INTouch provides an in-depth look at the international academic networks nurtured by Stellenbosch University. This magazine is published annually.







April 2018, Edition 5

May 2017, Edition 4

March 2016, Edition 3

March 2014, Edition 2

March 2013, Edition 1






The Take Note newsletter features local and international scholarship opportunities. It is distributed bi-weekly to subscribers. Sign up here.

Previous Issues

International Students

​​​​ ​​​​ 

Local Students
