Africa Collaboration Grant
The Centre for Collaboration in Africa (CCA) at SU International, invites applications for the 11th call of the Africa Collaboration Grant (ACG). The ACG has been expanded to also offer Conference Grants to postgraduate students and Partner Development Grants for postdoctoral fellows, in addition to opportunities for Stellenbosch University staff. The call for applications to the ACG has also been restructured on a semester basis:
Call date | Time frame for costs incurred |
September 2018 | 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 |
Deadline: 8 October 2018(Deadline extended to 19 October 2018) |
April 2019 | 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019
The emphasis of the awards made by SU International is in support of the internationalisation of a) the specific academic environment and b) the institution.
Detailed information regarding the call is found below.
Category 1: SU Staff
To organise a workshop/ conference jointly with a partner/partners from SU’s Institutional bilateral partners in Africa.
- This category is aimed at SU staff
- Applicants must demonstrate how the workshops/conference will be organised and hosted jointly with one or more institutional bilateral African Partners
1.1. Award amount: R 80 000.00 (maximum) for Category 1.

Category 2: SU Staff
- To undertake a research visit (outgoing) to one or more of SU’s institutional bilateral partners in Africa :
- This category is aimed at SU staff
- Meeting with a researcher or research team on the African continent in view of future research collaboration
- Meeting with a researcher to collaborate on a joint scientific article
- Meeting with a researcher or research team on the African continent as part of an existing collaborative project
- Where more than one applicant from the same Department applies to undertake the same visit, only one grant will be given to the Department. Funding could be awarded at the discretion of the Dean and relevant Chair, to one of the applicants, or divided amongst the applicants.

- To host a senior international visitor (incoming) at Stellenbosch University for collaborative purposes;
- This category is aimed at SU staff who wants to host a visitor from the African continent
- Hosting a visitor for meetings with a researcher or research team at SU in view of future research collaboration
- Hosting a visitor at SU to collaborate on a joint scientific article
- Hosting a visitor as part of an existing collaborative project
- Hosting a visitor to meet with senior researchers as well as postgraduate research students as part of a research capacity building initiative.
- Where more than one visitor is invited this must be within the context of a joint collaborative project.
2.1 Award amount: R 30 000.00 (maximum) for either Category 2(a) or 2(b)

Category 3: Postgraduate Students
To attend an academic conference on the African continent
- This grant is aimed at postgraduate students.
- The research supervisor should support the application.
- Confirmation that the conference organisers have accepted the abstract.
3.1 Award amount: R 20 000.00 (maximum)

Category 4: Postdoctoral Fellows
To visit one more of SU’s International bilateral partners in Africa
- This grant is aimed at Postdoctoral fellows
- Copies of the invitation(s) received from the host/s must be included.
- Where more than one applicant from the same Department applies to undertake the same visit, only one grant will be given to the Department. Funding could be awarded at the discretion of the Dean and relevant Chair, to one of the applicants, or divided amongst the applicants.
4.1 Award amount: R 30 000.00 (maximum)
- Please note this grant is not intended for:
- Attending conferences beyond Africa
- Within South Africa
- Funding a keynote speaker to South Africa for conference purposes only

- Only full-time staff members (permanent or contract) [Category 1 and 2], senior post-graduate students [Category 3] and postdoctoral fellows [Category 4] of Stellenbosch University may apply.
- Projects involving collaborations based at one or more of the following institutions are eligible
- For ARUA partner institutions, preference will be given to collaborations related to thematic Centres of Excellence awarded to these partners. For more information on the ARUA partners, click here:
- University of Lagos, Nigeria
- University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Obafemi Awolowo University lle-Ife, Nigeria Boumediene
- University of Ghana, Ghana
- University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Strathmore University, Kenya
- University of Rwanda
- Kenyatta University, Kenya
- University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
- Makerere University, Uganda
- Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
- American University of Cairo, Egypt
- Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroon
- University of Malawi, Malawi
- University of Botswana, Botswana
- University of Namibia, Namibia
- Université Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
- Omar Bongo University, Gabon
- University of Science and Technology Houari, Algeria
- University of Mauritius, Mauritius
- Reformed Church University, Zimbabwe
- University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

- The Africa Collaboration Grant should supplement grants provided by other sources (e.g. Dean’s fund research fund, third stream funds), as the ACG award should not exceed 66% of the total budget to a maximum of the respective amounts above.
- The applicant must indicate how the funding will support collaboration, whether at the level of research, teaching or capacity development with partners based at one of SU’s bilateral partner institutions in Africa.
- An applicant will only be eligible for the same category of the ACG every two years within one category.
- Only a limited number of category 1 awards will be made.
- Applications for category 2 visits with the goal to prepare joint funding proposals for third stream funding (e.g. African Union Grants, Intra Africa Grants, European funding aimed at African/South-South collaboration, etc.) will be given priority.
- The Africa Collaboration Grant amounts will not exceed the amounts for the respective categories stated in article 1, and/or will not be more than 66% of the projected budget.
- Supplementary funds should be sought from other sources.
- The African Collaboration Grant provides funding for collaboration projects with the expectation that initial activities will attract funding from other sources for further collaboration.
- Proof of price quotations (e.g. flights, accommodation, etc.) should be attached to the application.
- The budget should be given, per budget item, in the relevant part of the application form.
- Student mobility cannot be funded from ACG funds. SU’s institutional bilateral partnership agreements make provision for student exchanges and as such, may be initiated on that basis via the Stellenbosch University International.
- An electronic version of the application form with inserted signatures must be submitted electronically to Nico Elema at
- Deadlines should be strictly adhered to. Late applications will not be considered.
- The applicant must ensure that the application form is complete with all the required documents attached. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Please note that the award of the Africa Collaboration Grant is made on a competitive basis.
- Grant holders must submit a report within three months after the visit/ activity.
- Application forms must be signed by the Head of Department or equivalent manager. In the case of the Post-Graduate students (category 3), applications must be signed by the research supervisor. Please elaborate further on the relevance and value of the application for the Faculty and/ or Department. Unsigned forms will not be accepted.
Outcome of application and payment of grant: Please note that it could take up to 4 weeks before the results of applications are made known and further 2-3 weeks for the payment of the grant.
For further information, contact the Centre for Collaboration in Africa at Stellenbosch University International:
Mr. Nico Elema (