Ancient Studies
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Dr Alexander Andrason

PhD Semitiese Tale (Hebreeus en Arabies) (Madrid), PhD Afrikatale (Stellenbosch)



Semitiese en Afro-Asiatiese tale, Ugarities, Bybelse Hebreeus, Bybelse Aramees, Arabies, en Middel-Egipties; kognitiewe linguistiek


Linguistiek: Afro-Asiaties (Semities, Egipties, Tjadies, Berbers), Niger-Kongo (Mande, Bantoe, Nguni), Niloties (Maa), Khoi (Oostelike Kalahari), Indo-Europees (Germaans, Romaans, Slawies, Grieks), en Turkies (Turks); Kognitiewe linguistiek, grammatikaliseringsteorie, vae en konstruksie grammatika; Tipologie, semantiese kaarte, diakronies-vergelykende linguistiek, taalkompleksiteit, taalkontak (gemengde tale en pidgins), sosiolinguistiek, bedreigde/minderheidstale, taaldokumentering, taalmultimodaliteit; Semantiek, pragmatiek, morfosintaksis, sintaksis; Tyd-Aspek-Modus, multiwerkwoord (reekswerkwoord) konstruksies, ideofone, interjeksies, onomatopeë, verbindingswoorde, performatiewe
Kognitiewe wetenskap: kognitiewe misleiding/dissonansie en kategorisering
Modellering: evolusionêr-biologiese aanpassingsmodelle, kompleksiteitsteorie, chaosteorie, spelteorie, termodinamika, vaagheid, en stelselteorie
Filosofie: ontologie, universalia, en kategorieë

Huidige navorsingsprojekte

Niger-Kongo tale: Ideophones in isiXhosa Interjections in isiXhosa (met M. Dlali, Universiteit Stellenbosch); The semantic locative inversion in isiXhosa (met M. Visser, Universiteit Stellenbosch); A reconstruction of the Proto-Nguni TAM system (met J. Wills, Universiteit van Zimbabwe / Katolieke Universiteit van die Oekraïne); African perspectives on language – decolonizing linguistics categories in Africa
Nilotiese tale: Interjections in Arusha (Maasai); The argumenthood of dative applicative elements in Arusha (Maasai) (met M. Karani, Universiteit van Dar es Salaam)
Khoisan tale: The TAM verbal system of Tjwao (met A. Phiri, Universiteit Stellenbosch); Interjections in Tjwao (met A-M. Fehn, Max Plank Instituut in Jena, en A. Phiri, Universiteit Stellenbosch) ; Ideophones in Tjwao (met A-M. Fehn, Max Plank Instituut in Jena, en A. Phiri, Universiteit Stellenbosch); Onomatopoeias in Tjwao (met A-M. Fehn, Max Plank Instituut in Jena, en A. Phiri, Universiteit Stellenbosch)
Afro-Asiatiese tale: Serial verb constructions in Ugaritic (met J.P. Vita, Spaanse Nasionale Navorsingsraad in Madrid); Interjections in Ugaritic Serial verb constructions in Biblical Aramaic
Indo-Europese tale: The synchrony and diachrony of performatives in Polish Multi verb constructions in Polish (met M. Gębka-Wolak, Universiteit van Turuń); Reference Grammar of Wymysorys (met T. Król, Poolse Akademie vir Wetenskap); Wymysorys – a Germanic-Slavic mixed language? ('n PhD proefskrif by die Universiteit van Ysland); The complexity of endangered minority languages (met J. Olko, Universiteit van Warskou)
Filosofie: The ontological status of linguistic categories ('n PhD voorstel)

Akademiese diens/Gemeenskapsinteraksie

Bestuur van internasionale navorsingsgroepe/projekte:
Documenting oral literature of Arusa (Maasai) (2019). Deelnemende instellings: Universiteit Stellenbosch en Universiteit van Dar es Salaam (Tanzanië).
The other grammar of Eastern Kalahari Khoe – the documentation and analysis of interjections, onomatopoeias, and ideophones in Tjwao (2019-2021). Befonds deur Khoisan Fonds van die Departement Afrikatale (Universiteit Stellenbosch).

Deelneming in internasionale navorsingsgroepe/projekte:
Bureaucracy and administrative procedures in the Syrian kingdom of Ugarit (14th to 12th centuries B.C.) (2016-2019), onder leiding van J-P. Vita (Die Spaanse Nasionale Navorsingsraad, Madrid, Spanje) en befonds deur die Spaanse Ministerie van Wetenskap en Innovasie (FFI2015- 67357-P).
Language as a cure: linguistic vitality as a tool for psychological well-being, health and economic sustainability (2017-2020), onder leiding van dr. J. Olko en dr. M. Bilewicz (Universiteit van Warskou) en befonds deur Foundation for Polish Science (TEAM Toekenning). Deelnemende instellings: Max Plank Instituut in Jena, Universiteit van Groningen, Jagielloniese Universiteit, Universiteit van Kalifornië.
Open data intermediaries and economic ownership rights (2017-2018), onder leiding van F. van Schalkwyk (Universiteit Stellenbosch / African Minds) en befonds deur Sentrum vir Filantropie en Burgerlike Samelewing (Digital Impact Toekennings).
Multiverb constructions in Polish (2019), onder leiding van Prof. M. Gębka-Wolak (Nicolaus Copernicus Universiteit in Toruń, Pole).

Geselekteerde publikasies

  • Komend
    (met I. Hornea en M. Joubert) The QeTAL form in the Aramaic of Ezra – A grammaticalization perspective. Archiv Orientalni.
    The map of ti in Kituba – Testing and expanding the typological model of the polysemy of conjunctive coordinators. Studies in African Linguistics.
    (met M. Visser) Precipitation constructions in isiXhosa. South African Journal of African Languages.
    The conjunctive coordinator NA in Xhosa – Its categorial status and map of polyfunctionality. Italian Journal of Linguistics.
    Grammaticalization in Fanagalo – Simplification, complexification and acceleration. Studies in African Linguistics.
    Verb second phenomena in Wymysorys. In: Rethinking Verb Second, T. Biberauer, S. Wolfe & R. Woods (reds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2018
    A pseudo-consecutive non-canonical serial verb construction in Xhosa. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 55: 1-6.
    The WZIĄĆ gram in Polish: A serial verb construction, or not? STUF – Language Typology and Universals 71/4: 577-629.
    From coordination to verbal serialization – The pójść (serial verbal) construction in Polish. Research in Language 16/1: 19-46.
    Weather in Polish: A contribution to the typology of meteorological constructions. Studia Linguistica 72: 1-40.
    (met J. Westbury) Towards a complex analysis of Wayyhî + T Construction in Biblical Hebrew. Asian and African Studies 27/1: 50-79.
    (met J.P. Vita) Amorite: A Northwest Semitic language? Journal of Semitic Studies 63/1: 19-58.          
  • 2017
    (met M. Visser) Cognate objects of weather verbs in African languages of South Africa – from synchronic variation to a grammaticalization path. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 48: 151-160.
    The "exotic" nature of ideophones – from Khoekhoe to Xhosa. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 48: 139-150.
    (met M. Dlali) The EK construction in Xhosa: A cognitive account. Linguistics (Jezikoslovlje) 18/3: 383-421.
    (met J.P. Vita) The YQTL-Ø "preterite" in Ugaritic. Archiv Orientalni 85/3: 345-387.
    Theoretical prolegomena to the reality of verbal grams in Biblical Hebrew: From the complexity of semantic maps to the simplicity of psychological conceptualizations. Folia Orientalia 54: 11-34.
    (met M. Dlali) Tense and aspect of performatives in Xhosa. South African Journal of African Languages 37/2: 149–161.
    (met M. Karani) Radial categories in syntax: Non-resumptive Left Dislocation in Arusha (Maasai). Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 134/2: 205-218.
    Grammaticalization paths and chaos – determinism and unpredictability of the semantic development of verbal constructions: PART 3 – Chaos in grammaticalization. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 134/1: 53-66.
    (met M. Karani) The perfective form in Arusa – A cognitive-grammaticalization model. Asian and African Studies 26/1: 69-101.
  • 2016
    The coordinators i and z in Polish: A cognitive-typological approach. Part 1. Lingua Posnaniensis 58/1: 7-24.
    (met M. Visser) The mosaic evolution of Left Dislocation in Xhosa. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics PLUS 50: 139-158.
    Left dislocation in Standard Arabic – the complexity of form and meaning. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics PLUS 50: 111-138.
    Grammaticalization paths and chaos – determinism and unpredictability of the semantic development of verbal constructions. PART 2 – Chaos in linguistics. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 133/4: 319–335.
    Grammaticalization paths and chaos – determinism and unpredictability of the semantic development of verbal constructions. PART 1 – Chaos in mathematics. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 133/3: 245-257.
    (met F. van Schalkwyk, M. Cañares, en S. Chattapadhyay) Open data intermediaries in developing countries. Journal of Community Informatics (Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development) 12/2: 9-25.
    Where Germanic and Slavic meet – a note on new Polish-based tenses in the Vilamovicean language. Germanoslavica 27/1: 1-18.
    (met C. Locatell) The perfect wave. Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics 5: 7-121.
    From vectors to waves and streams: An alternative approach to semantic maps. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 45: 1-29.
    Cartografía del yiqtol corto. Sefarad 76/1: 7-53.
    Modern Vilamovicean – complex decay of a case system. Oxford German Studies 45/2: 212-235.
    The complexity of verbal semantics – an intricate relationship between QATAL and WAYYIQTOL. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 16/4: 1-96.
    (met J.P. Vita) Contact Languages of the Ancient Near East - Three more Case Studies (Ugaritic-Hurrian, Hurro-Akkadian and Canaano-Akkadian). Journal of Language Contact 9: 289-330.

