NEW: Hybrid modules in New Testament Greek and Biblical Hebrew
From 2024, the Department of Ancient Studies offers 1st-year Greek and Hebrew in hybrid formaThese are 24-credit, year-long modules that offer the same content as our regular first-year Greek and Hebrew modules. They are intended for students who need Greek or Hebrew language instruction for their ordination or postgraduate study but are open to anyone who is currently enrolled at Stellenbosch for a postgraduate degree or holds a minimum 3-year bachelor’s degree (any subject).
These modules require no previous knowledge of the languages and are taught through a combination of online recorded lectures, activities, tutorials, and several in-person intensive contact sessions spaced throughout the academic year, which will combine consolidation of your learning with assessment. Major assessments must be written in person in Stellenbosch. These modules are ideal for those in full-time work, as you can complete the components in your own time, alongside consistent support from your tutor.
- Access to a dedicated learning environment on SUNLearn
- Online recorded lectures from award-winning language instructors
- Weekly online tutorials with a dedicated tutor
- Intensive contact sessions with lecturers at the end of each term to consolidate your learning
Please note that successful completion of these modules involves considerable work: before registering, please ensure that you will:
- Have 1-2 hours per week day to spend on your studies
- be able to come to Stellenbosch at least twice for contact sessions and assessment (see proposed dates below)
- have a reliable internet connection to attend weekly online tutorials
We recommend that those without previous experience of studying ancient langauges take only one of these modules at a time.
Please also note that these modules have minumum class sizes and can only be offered each year with sufficient registrations. If you intend to register in 2025, please let the module convenor, Ursula Westwood (email below), know as soon as possible.
Introduction to New Testament Greek 172 -
Greek 172 Module Framework 2025 (provisional).pdf
Ancient Greek is a rich and flexible language. From the nuances and histories of individual words, to the implications of complex grammatical constructions, learning the language of the New Testament will give you fresh insight into biblical texts. By the end of the module, you will be able to:
- translate 600 of the most common words in the NT
- recognise and so correctly interpret inflectional forms of verbs, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives
- read simple passages from the gospels independently
- contextualise biblical language within the broader history of Greek literature
The Hebrew language is a window to a world like no other. This module introduces Biblical Hebrew within its ancient west Asian context. It will enable you to:
- read the Hebrew alphabet
- know the meaning of 420 BH words analyse and interpret paradigms as
- they apply to verbs, nouns, and pronouns
- translate a selection of narrative texts
- gain an understanding of the historical and cultural context of the Hebrew Bible
How to register for these modules
If you are/will be already enrolled in a Stellenbosch University postgraduate programme for 2025 you can register for these modules as for other modules as part of regular registration.
If you are not a Stellenbosch student, or are finishing your programme in 2024, you need first to apply to become a special student, and this application must be submitted by 30 November 2024. To become a special student, you must have a first degree (it does not have to be in a relevant subject). For a full breakdown of the application process, see this document (pdf).
Each module costs approximately R10300 in 2025. Please use this provisional quotation tool to check the cost within your programme or as a special student.
- 30 November 2024: Deadline for special student applications
- 7-8 February 2025: Provisional date for first intensive session (in Stellenbosch)
The other intensive sessions will happen immediately following the final week of terms 2, 3, and 4 – precise dates remain to be confirmed.
- Dates of term 2025 and provisional test dates:
Term 2: 7 April – 16 May 2025
- Test in Stellenbosch: Saturday 31 May
Term 3: 21 July – 5 September 2024
- Contact session (provisional): 6 September
Term 4: 15 September – 24 October 2024
- Test in Stellenbosch: Saturday 15 November
Questions? Contact the module convenor:
Dr Ursula Westwood (Lecturer in Greek)