Brand, I. Bastet and Egyptian mothers (MA in Antieke Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)
Hornea, IC. Expressions for salvation and deliverance in Biblical Hebrew (MA in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)
MacDonald, B. Vanth: An Iconographical Study of an Etruscan Psychopomp (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: Dr S. Masters)
Van den Brink, JH. The Global Village: Frescoes at Akrotiri as Evidence for Multiculturalism (MA in Ancient Cultures: supervisor S Masters)
Joubert, M. Towards the concept of praise in the Hebrew Bible. (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Prof CHJ van der Merwe)
Etsebeth, R. The semantic potential of the lexeme qōl: A cognitive semantics approach. (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Prof CHJ van der Merwe)
Du Preez, J. The portrayal of the rape of Cassandra in Attic vase-painting 575-375 BCE. (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: Dr S Masters)
Fritz, A. Images Words Magic: A case study of imagery and inscriptions and the purpose/use of amulets from Mesopotamia and Egypt (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: Prof I Cornelius)
Kara, K.A. Semen est sanguis Christianorum: Early Christian martyr literature of the first three centuries CE (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Prof A Kotzé)
Messara, J. A. The Biblical Hebrew particle weʿattah revisted (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Prof CHJ van der Merwe)
Nzungu, I. S. Impregnable – an analysis of rhetorical performances of standard hegemonic masculinity exemplified through female objectification in Amores 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: Dr A de Villiers)
Turner, C. E. From Darkness, Light: A Study of Light and Darkness Imagery in Augustine's Confessions. (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Prof A Kotzé)
Viljoen, S. In alle dele van die land is sulke onrus. (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: Dr A de Villiers)
Van der Merwe, C. Reading Ovid in the #MeToo era: A feminist reception of rape scenes in the Metamorphoses (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: Dr A de Villiers)
Sanders, M. Childhood companions: Children and pets on Attic red-figure vase paintings (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisors: S. Masters and A. de Villiers)
Pio, H. Baboons in ancient Egyptian art: the significance of the baboon motif in the funerary art of the New Kingdom (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: I. Cornelius)
Danon, B. Celeritas Caesariana: Reputation, representation and reality (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisors: A. de Villiers and A. Kotzé)
Du Plessis, L.M. An intertextual study of the formulaic fulfilment quotations in the Gospel of Matthew (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Park, J.H. The Persian King as a topos (M.A. Ancient Languages. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Robertson, E. Growing up Greek: The differing journeys through childhood in ancient Athens and Sparta (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: S. Masters)
Lee, Y.S. Semantic description of the BH lexeme אֶל : A cognitive approach (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Martin, A. Never simply nudity: A study of the functions of the nude female figure in Classical Athenian vase-painting c. 480-420 BCE (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: S. Masters)
Graham, S. Collections of Classical antiquities in Durban, South Africa (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: S. Masters)
Westhead, J.M. Royal ideology in Mesopotamian iconography of the third and second millennia BCE with special reference to gestures (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: I. Cornelius)
Zhu, M. X. Orestes' matricide. The transformation of Orestes' role from the Oresteia to The Flies (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisors: A. Kotzé and S. Masters)
Baldwin, S. Bit by Bit: an Iconographic study of horses in the reliefs of the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (883-859BC) (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: I. Cornelius)
Erasmus, A. Verweerde skrif: 'n tematiese ondersoek na ouderdom, verganklikheid, aftakeling en sterflikheid in die vroeë Griekse digkuns [Eroded writing: a thematic investigation of old age, frailty, decay, and mortality in early Greek poetry] (M.A. Classical Literature. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Haynes, D. The symbolism and significance of the butterfly in Ancient Egypt (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: I. Cornelius)
Moodie, M. Drawing the divide: The nature of Athenian identity as reflected in the depiction of the 'other' in Attic red-figure vase painting in the fifth century BCE (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: S. Masters)
Welman, T. The feminine Other in Euripides' Hecuba: exploring tensions in the masculine classical polis (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisors: F. Pauw and S. Masters)
Basson, D. The Goddess Hathor and the women of Egypt (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: I. Cornelius
Backhouse, G. Descriptions of swords in the death scenes of Dido and Turnus in the Aeneid (M.A. Classical Literature. Supervisor: A. Kotzé)
Daniels, A.L. Justice in Augustine's City of God (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: A. Kotzé)
Louw, L. Eirōneia or ironia: on the nature and function of Socratic irony (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Lyle, K. A cognitive semantics assessment of עִם and אֵת's semantic potential in Genesis, Chronicles and Psalms (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Mena, A. The semantic potential of עַל in Genesis, Psalms, and Chronicles (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Posthumus, L. Hybrid monsters in the classical world: the nature and function of hybrid monsters in Greek mythology, literature and art (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Raal, E.M. The good life according to Seneca (M.A. Classical Literature. Supervisor: S. Thom; co-supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Rodriguez, D. A cognitive linguistic description of תחת in Biblical Hebrew (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Roos, A. St Augustine's Confessiones: the role of the imago Dei in his conversion to Catholic Christianity (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: A. Kotzé)
Westbury. J. A discourse-pragmatic description of Left-Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Yoo, C-K. Paragraphs as episodes: distinguishing paragraphs in Biblical Hebrew narrative texts on the basis of linguistic devices (M.A. Biblical Languages. Supervisor: C.H.J. van der Merwe)
Smit, C. Bakens op die weg: Die bekeringsverhale van Augustinus en C.S. Lewis [Signposts on the Way: The conversion stories of Augustine and C.S. Lewis] (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: A. Kotzé)
Van Alten, H.H. Die aoristos en imperfektum in Handelinge [The aorist and imperfect tense in Acts] (M.A. Classical Languages. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Bjarnason, P. Philosophy of consolation: the Epicurean Tetrapharmakos (M.Phil. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Conroy, D. A practical moral identity in Seneca's Epistulae Morales (M.A. Classical Languages. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)
Du Plessis, A.F.J. 'n Literêr-Inhoudelike Analise van Boek 7 van Augustinus se Confessiones: Augustinus se begrip van die bestaanwyse van God en die Kwaad [A literary content analysis of Book 7 of Augustine's Confessions: Augstine's understanding of the existence of God and Evil] (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisors: A. Kotzé and J.C. Thom)
Janse van Rensburg, C. A grammatical and historical commentary on two poems by Paulinus of Nola (M.A. Ancient Cultures. Supervisor: A. Kotzé)
Du Toit, M. Die onderrig van sterrekunde in die Hellenistiese tyd [The teaching of astronomy in the Hellenistic age] (M.A. Classical Culture. Supervisor: J.C. Thom)