BAHons (German), MPhil (Ancient Studies), Stellenbosch
Email: amydaniels@sun.ac.za
Currciulum Vitae
I am a professional educator with a passion for social history and Latin. The following principles guide my teaching and research practice: service with integrity, leadership by example, and respect for human dignity. Combined with a passion for learning and a light-hearted approach to interacting with my students, I hope to spur others on to love of people, difference, language, history and culture, in all their beautiful complexity and variety.
Areas of Specialisation
Courses Taught in 2021
Latin 178 (Beginning Latin)
Latin 214 (Intermediate Grammar)
Ancient Cultures 144 (Introduction to the Ancient World II: Greece and Rome)
Current & Recent Projects
PhD project on Augstine of Hippo and martyrdom discourse
Lingua Musica: The application of classical aural training techniques in teaching Latin
DiaLogical Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-697939557
First-year Academy awards in recognition of excellence by top-achieving students (2017-2019)
Early Career Research Grant (2017-2018, Stellenbosch University)
Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University bursary (2010 - 2011)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) bursary for German (2008)
Leipzig University Herder Institute Summer course bursary (2008)
Stellenbosch University Merit Bursary (2006 - 2008)
Golden Key Honour Society (inducted 2006)