​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Notice to Members of the Convocation: Call to vote to fill the vacancies on the Executive Committee of ConvocationUntitled-1.jpg

On 9 April 2024, in an e-mail to members of Convocation, we provided the context for having restarted the election of members to serve on the Executive Committee of Convocation. W​e repeat the relevant paragraph below for the convenience of Convocation members:

"​On 2 April 2024, the elected Convocation Executive and the disqualified candidates met to find a resolution and a way forward after the election ultimately became uncontested. The Office of the Registrar disqualified six candidates after non-compliance with the election rules (two after the nomination period and the remaining four shortly after the election started), and thereafter, the remaining candidates were duly elected unopposed as the number of vacancies equalled the number of candidates. This was the only option available in terms of Stellenbosch University's Institutional Rules. During the facilitated conversation, the Office of the Registrar and the parties all agreed to restart the election process afresh and that the Procedure to nominate and elect the Convocation Executive Committee (the Procedure) would be the document governing the nomination and election process."

Call to vote​

My sincere gratitude to all members who participated in nominating candidates to serve on the Executive Committee of Convocation. As communicated earlier, all five (5) positions on the Executive Committee of Convocation were vacant. We followed the Procedure to nominate and elect the Convocation Executive Committee (the Procedure) to direct the process.


We received the following valid nominations:

For President (one vacancy)
Dr Theo de Jager
Ds Riaan de Villiers
Mr Mfundo X Makanda

For Vice-President (one vacancy)
Mr Lwazi Phakade
Mr Johan A Smit

For Secretary (one vacancy)

Ms Nomzamo P Ntombela
Mr Bernard Pieters

For Additional Members (two vacancies)
Mr Chris Briel
Mrs Taryn Cohn (Moos)
Mrs Isabelle de Taillefer
Mr Jan de Villiers
Mr Celenkosini G Lukhele
Mr Simphiwe Malaza
M​s Karen-Christine Meiring (Kabous)
Mr Bernard JH Oosthuizen

 In terms of paragraph 4.10 of the Procedure, we now call on members of Convocation to vote for their preferred candidates to fill these vacancies. To access the voting portal and to view the candidates' photos, vision statements and CVs, please visit the Convocation website.​
Kindly note that we publish the vision statements and CVs as we have received them as part of the nominations. We do not translate or edit any of the vision statements or CVs. The candidates provided us with their CVs to enable the voters to get to know each candidate better. We do not verify the content of the CVs, as the onus is on the candidates to provide accurate information.

Voting period

The voting portal will open on Monday, 20 May 2024, at 08:00 (SAST), for a 10-day voting period and will close on Thursday, 30 May 2024, at 23:59 (SAST). Once the voting portal has closed, no further votes will be accepted. Votes may only be cast electronically on the voting portal, and once submitted, a vote cannot be altered in any way.

Username and password

To log into the voting portal, you will need a username and password. Please note: Your SU number is your username and appears in the subject line of the unique e-mail addressed to you by konvokasie@sun.ac.za If you do not receive our correspondence please update your information at konvokasie@sun.ac.za The ID number or passport number that we have on record for you is your password. The SU number that you need to use as your username must start with the digits 1 (e.g. 12345678) or 2 (e.g. 21234567) and be 8 digits long. If this is not the case, your SU number may have changed since 2000. For assistance in this regard or if you are struggling to log in, please reach out to elections@sun.ac.za timeously, and we will assist you.

Convocation members not receiving notices.

If you are not receiving our notices or you are aware of members of the Convocation who do n​ot receive our notices or communication, please direct them to konvokasie@sun.ac.za to update their e-mail addresses. Please also direct them to the SU Convocation website for further information.

Announcing the results

We will publish the full results (number of votes per candidate), and not only the results of the successful​ candidates, within a reasonable time after the voting portal has closed by sending an e-mail to Convocation members and publishing the outcome on the Convocation website.

Should you wish to opt-out of receiving Convocation-related information, you will need to resign from the Convocation in writing by sending an email to  konvokasie@sun.ac.za

​​​Kind regards

Dr Ronel Retief​​
Stellenbosch University
17 May 2024