Student Parliament
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Who is Student Parliament?


Student ​Parliament

Accountability, Transparency and Consultative Governance


Student Parliament is comprised of all persons who are currently registered students of Stellenbosch University. Every person is welcome to attend Student Parliament Committee meetings, sittings and events. All registered students also have voting rights and may participate​ freely within the confines of the Student Parliament Constitution and the Student Constitution. 


Some of Parliament's most important functions include: 

  1. To act in the best interest of students and to actively promote students‟ rights under chapter 2 of the Student Constitution;
  2. To hold the Student Representative Council accountable and transparent; 
  3. To formulate and maintain policy in order to promote an institutional sensitivity to foster accountability and transparency within student leadership structures  ​

We encourage all Maties to have their say on campus issues, we encourage robust dialogue and we strive to develop a culture of Transparency and Accountability, not just on campus, but in the hearts and minds of our future leaders

​​​​The Student Parliament Committee: 

Section 5. The Student Parliament Committee
Due to the composition of Student Parliament, especially taking its fluidity of attendees into account and the inclusive nature of its definition, its effectiveness and functionality is safeguarded by a number of persons who will be referred to as the Student Parliament Committee.​

The Speaker of Student Assembly: ​

Dawn Manqoyi

Bachelor of Theology

Email:​ 26022427​

DSC_4824 (1).jpg

The ​​Convenor of Student Imbizo:

​​​Ila Alberts

LLB​ (post grad)

​​​​Email: ​​​

​​​The Deputy Speaker of Student Assembly:

Sethu Mshengu

International Studies


​The Public Relations Officer of Student Asembly: 

​​Lerato Vika

International Studies


The Accountability Officer of Student Assembly:

Ailly Nuuyoma

LLB (Law)



​The Accountability Officer of Student Imbizo:

Sphephelo Mhlongo

​BSc( Mathematical Science)​​

The Administrations​ Officer of Student Assembly:

Lindelwa Ngubelanga 

Geography and Environmental Studies (BAHons)                                                                  


The Chief Administrator of Student Imbizo:               

Mbali Sibande

BA ( Human Resources)

Email:26241935​                                                                   Li

The Student Parliament Executive Committee​​​:

The Student Parliament Executive Committee organises sittings and other events that open a platform for any and all Maties to raise their concerns. This space is to ensure that all students have access to information concerning student governance. We serve as a link between students and governing bodies.

Student Parliament has no part in governing any aspect of campus, we do, however, serve as a check and balance on governing bodies such as the Student Representative Council (SRC), Prim Committee (PK), Senior Prim Committee and the Academic Affairs Council. Therefore, we claim that we are Consultative Governance.​

It consists of the:



Secretary-General - Accountability Chair - Chief Financial Officer - Deputy Accountability Chair.​

The Student Parliament Steering Committee:​​​​

Addendum J2:​

This holds Speaker accountable and it consists of:

Speaker - Accountability Chair - Secretary-General