Student Parliament
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Code of Conduct

​Rules Relating to Members


​​​​​1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic, there shall be freedom of speech and debate in or before the Student Parliament and any committee thereof, subject to the restrictions placed on such freedoms in terms of or under the Constitution, any other law, these Rules and General Rules and Policies of the University.

2. Special consideration and due care must be exercised where a member wishes to make any representation concerning any member or any member of staff reflecting upon his morality, honesty, competence or any other matter that may expose him to contempt, ridicule or loss of esteem.

3. A Member making comment must take cognisance of the complex racial problems of South Africa, the general good and safety of the University, the Country and its people.​

4. The Speaker may, after having called attention to the conduct of a member who persists in irrelevance or repetition of arguments, direct the member to discontinue his or her speech.

5. No member shall interrupt another member whilst speaking, except to call attention to a point of order. The Speaker may interrupt any speaker subject to these rules and the member must then resume his/her seat.

​6. The use of obscene, salacious and generally undesirable language and illustrations should be avoided. The Speaker shall direct a member making such remarks to discontinue his or her speech.

7. Members may not converse aloud, such that it disrupts proceedings.​​

8. If the Speaker is of the opinion that a member is deliberately contravening a provision of these Rules, or that a member is in contempt of or is disregarding the authority of the Speaker, or that a member's conduct is grossly disorderly either due to insobriety or dissatisfaction with the proceeding and such a member has been forewarned; the Speaker may order the member to withdraw from the proceedings for the remainder of the sitting. If the member fails to withdraw, security may be called to intervene.

9. In the event of grave disorder at a meeting or the meeting becomes chaotic, the Speaker may adjourn the meeting or may suspend the proceedings for a period to be stated by him or her.

​Procedure in Meetings


1. Every member desiring to speak shall stand while addressing the Student Parliament or the Speaker.

2. A speaker will be restricted to the time allocated by the Speaker, in consultation with the Student Parliament Committee.

3. When a point of order is raised, the member called to order may not continue with their submission and shall resume his seat. The Speaker will to his/her discretion give his/her ruling or decision on the point order. If the point order is sustained the member will act upon any instruction given by Speaker. If the point of order is overruled the member may proceed with his submission.

4. Where the Speaker cannot make an immediate ruling on a point of order he/she must consult with the two Deputy Speakers and if they should fail to reach a conclusion they may defer the matter to later or the next sitting to allow for consultation with anybody/person they deem relevant. In the interim, the debate on the matter before SP may be suspended pending the ruling.

5. A point of information or exigency may be raised at any time in the meeting, provided it relates to an item under discussion; the Speaker may answer to the call or may delegate the relevant member of the House to answer.

6. No debate will be ​entered into arising from a point of information.

7. Members of the House will have a maximum of two minutes to make a statement relating to the​ ​​agenda point being discussed.

8. Members of the House will have a maximum of two minutes to ask a question relating to the agenda point being discussed.​

​​​Procedure in Sittings​

​​Subject to the provisions of the Student Constitution and these Rules, and unless altered by resolution of this House, the business on each sitting of Student Parliament, shall, where applicable or unless otherwise requested, follow the following sequence of events: 

1. Opening by the Speaker
2. Acknowledgement of minutes
3. Relevant instructions to ensure orderly proceedings to House by Speaker or AC Chair
4. Presentation by invited Guest Speaker​
5. Engagement by House
6. Point 4 and 5 Repeated for other agenda points
7. Closing by Speaker
