2 APRIL 2018 - 1 APRIL 2020
Members of the Convocation of Stellenbosch University have been notified in the press and via email that a position has arisen due to the resignation of Prof PG (Gerrit) Crafford, who was elected as Council member of the University, by the Convocation for the period 4 November 2016 to 1 April 2020.
Members of the Convocation were requested to submit nominations in order to fill this vacancy. As more than one (1) candidate was nominated, an election is being held. Your CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT must reach the Registrar before 12:00 on Monday, 30 April 2018. The validity of ballots will be verified.
- You may vote for a maximum of one (1) candidate for the abovementioned term. Mark the box next to the name of the candidate for whom you want to vote and complete the ballot. No other amendment to the ballot is allowed.
- No one may complete more than one ballot for the applicable term and your CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT must be completed in full.
- No person is allowed to vote on your behalf or use your ballot to vote on.
- With the completion of this ballot, the voter concerned personally assumes responsibility for compliance with the election rules as stipulated above. Transgressing the above rules amounts to fraud and is a criminal offence. All cases where fraud is suspected will be investigated and may lead to criminal prosecution.
- Please note: BOTH your SU number (as provided at the top of the Registrar’s e-mail), as well as your ID number must be used in order to vote.
- The Alumni Office may be contacted on 021 808 2709 or 021 808 2710 if voting problems are being encountered or if a hard copy of the confidential ballot is required. Please note that online voting opens on 16 April 2018.
You may vote in any one of 5 different ways – the closing date for whichever way you vote is Monday, 30 April 2018 at 12:00.
- Vote electronically at where an abbreviated CV, vision and photo of each candidate are available. Please note that online voting opens on 16 April 2018.
- Fax this completed ballot to: 086 606 7946
- Scan and email this completed ballot to
- Mail this completed ballot in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL: BALLOT to Dr Ronel Retief, Registrar, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland7602
- Deliver this completed ballot in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL: BALLOT to Dr Ronel Retief, Registrar, Stellenbosch University, Room A 2020, Admin A,Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
The following candidates hae been duly nominated:

| Mr CD (Charl) Cillié CV - BSc, BSc (Hons), B Phil, all from SU; Previous Project Manager at Media24 and Pearson Education; Current MD at Infinity Web Solutions. Vision - Focus on the South African needs; Improved student advice and interaction; Invest in distance learning and satellite campuses; Development of both Afrikaans AND our indigenous languages.

| Prof J (Joan) Hambidge CV - B.A., Hons(Stell.), MA(Pret.), PhD(Rhodes), PhD(UK); Professor of Afrikaans & Creative Writing, UCT; SU Council Member; Public intellectual. Vision – Stands for multilingualism and multiculturalism; gender issues; the advancement and protection of standards within a debate of decolonisation in a university which strives towards excellence; the acknowledgement of SU's position within the broader international arena.

| Ms KBL (Khwezi) Kunene CV – SACQSP; IODSA; SAAWG; Post Graduate Diploma Leadership Development; IMDP; Corporate Project Management Certificate; BSc Property Development & Construction Management; The Playhouse Company - Deputy Chairperson Council; Quantity Surveyor. Vision - Providing world-class education to uplift and develop future leaders, impacting and enriching our nation and world at large.

| Ms LC (Lovelyn) Nwadeyi CV - BA International Studies (SU); MSc Peace and Conflict Resolution (Uppsala); Research Head - MTN Group; SAWIP (SA) Board Member. Vision - To see SU committed to being a facilitator of increased and equitable access to higher education and as an empowering partner in the creation of a knowledge economy.

| Dr HS (Hendrik) Theys CV - B.A. 1976, UWC; HDE 1978, UNISA; B.Ed. 1983, UNISA; DRS. ATW.1990, Utrecht University, Netherlands. Vision - As a citizen, educator and language activist it is my mission to promote and protect the interests of the university but more so, the interests of the local community.

| Mr PR (Phillip) Woest CV – BEng (Mechanical), SU (1979); MBA, P.U. for C.H.E. (1993); Government Certificate of Competency (1988); International Consultant in training strategies, policy formulation and implementation. Vision - SU strives to be in the top 100 Universities worldwide, committed to an inclusive culture with campus environments that inspire and support academic excellence.
Dr Ronel Retief
Stellenbosch University
28 March 2018
Download the CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT to vote.