
Reynold photo3.jpg 

Dr Reynold Chow

Department of Earth Sciences
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
E-mail: ​​rchow@sun.ac.za

Website Profiles

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reynold-chow-0893a212/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Reynold_Chow2

Research Themes

Hydrogeology, hydrology, numerical groundwater modelling, stochastic hydrology, groundwater – surface water interactions, aquatic pesticide pollution

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Ongoing research projects at Stellenbosch University

•    Evaluating aquatic pesticide pollution in the Western Cape
•    Conducting a detailed water balance during the recent drought in the Western Cape
•    Developing a numerical hydrogeological model for municipalities surrounding Cape Town (e.g., Stellenbosch, Paarl) in order to delineate wellhead protection areas.

Academic Background

2019 PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Tübingen, Germany
2012 MSc in Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada
2008 BSc in Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada


  • Adelisardou, F., Minkina, T., Chow, R., Mederly, P., Schou, J., Zhao, W. (Submitted). Spatiotemporal change detection of carbon storage and sequestration in an arid ecosystem by integrating Google Earth Engine and InVEST (The Jiroft Plain, Iran). Journal of Cleaner Production.​
  • Chow, R., Parker, B., Steelman, C., Thoms, A., and Nowak, W. Can hyporheic exchange occur within a bedrock river. Water Resources Research. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020WR028476
  • Chow, R., Scheidegger, R., Doppler, T., Dietzel, A., Fenicia, F., and Stamm, C. (2020). A review of long-term pesticide monitoring studies to assess surface water quality trends. Water Research X. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wroa.2020.100064
  • Chow, R., Bennett, J., Dugge, J., Wöhling, T. and Nowak, W. (2019). Evaluating subsurface parameterization to simulate hyporheic exchange: The Steinlach River Test Site. Groundwater. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwat.12884
  • Motavita, D.F., Chow, R., Guthke, A., and Nowak, W. (2019). The Comprehensive Differential Split-Sample Test: A stress-test for hydrological model robustness under climate variability. Journal of Hydrology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.054​​
  • Chow, R., Wu, H., Bennett, J., Dugge J., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2018). Sensitivity of simulated hyporheic exchange to river bathymetry: The Steinlach River Test Site. Groundwater. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwat.12816
  • Chow, R. (2018). Nature’s water purifier: Surface water-groundwater interactions. Scisnack. Weblink
  • Chow, R., Frind, M.E., Frind, E.O., Jones, J.P., Sousa, M.R., Rudolph, D.L., Molson, J.W. and Nowak, W. (2016). Delineating baseflow contribution areas for streams–A model and methods comparison. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 195, pp.11-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.11.001​​
  • Chow, R., Frind, E.O., Sousa, M.R., Jones, J.P., Rudolph, D. and Molson, J. (2011). Delineating capture zones for environmentally sensitive features – a model comparison. Peer reviewed conference paper and poster presented at International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, Quebec City, Quebec Canada. Aug. 28-31. Weblink​​

Other scientific contributions

  • Fabre, C., Chow, R., Scheidegger, R., Doppler, T., Dietzel, A., Fenicia, F., and Stamm, C (May 2021). Can mitigation schemes produce detectable long-term temporal trends and spatial patterns in aquatic pesticide pollution? Online presentation at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Fabre, C., Doppler, T., Scheidegger, R., Dietzel, A., Chow, R., Fenicia, F., and Stamm, C (2020). A first evaluation of NAWA Trend watersheds and monitoring sites characteristics for the National Action Plan. Poster presentation at Zhydro Seminar, ETH Zurich.
  • Chow, R., Scheidegger, R., Doppler, T., Dietzel, A., Fenicia, F., and Stamm, C. (2020). Counterfactual hydrological pesticide transport modelling: Can we detect long-term in-stream pesticide trends due to mitigation? Online presentation at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Chow, R., Scheidegger, R., Doppler, T., Fenicia, F., and Stamm, C (2019). Under what conditions can we detect long-term pesticide concentration trends in surface waters? Poster presentation at Zhydro Seminar, ETH Zurich.
  • Reviewer for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Open-Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union.
  • Chow, R., Wu, H., Bennett, J., Dugge J., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2019). Surface water-groundwater exchange: Nature’s water purifier. Oral presentation given at Brazil-Germany Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Thoms, A., Chow, R., Steelman, C.M., Nowak, W., and Parker, B.L. (2018). Quantifying Bedform-Scale Hyporheic Exchange in Bedrock Rivers: The Eramosa Bedrock River Field Site. Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., US.
  • Chow, R., Wu, H., Bennett, J., Dugge J., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2018). Sensitivity of simulated hyporheic exchange residence times to river bathymetry. Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Chow, R., Bennett, J., Dugge J., E., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2017). Evaluating predictive uncertainty of hyporheic exchange. Oral presentation given at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, US.
  • Chow, R., Bennett, J., Dugge J., McLaughlin, E., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2017). Integrated modelling of meander-driven hyporheic exchange. Poster presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Chow, R., Bennett, J., Dugge J., McLaughlin, E., Wöhling, T., and Nowak W. (2017). Evaluating hyporheic exchange transit time through a river bend. Oral presentation given at International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.
  • Chow, R., Frind, M.E., Frind, E.O., Jones, J.P., Sousa, M.R., Rudolph, D.L., Molson, J.W. and Nowak, W. (2016). Comparing models and methods for the delineation of stream baseflow contribution areas.  Oral presentation given at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, US.