School of Accountancy
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Ex-Cell upskilling workshop


The Ex-Cell project, funded by the Social Impact grant, launched in May 2021. The Ex-Cell project is a collaborative project between Stellenbosch University, the School of Accountancy, and the Department of Correctional Services. Its aim is to rehumanise learning by focusing on learning's social, ubuntu-focused dimensions – collaboration, community-building and connectedness. This workshop has a theme of empowering participants to be better prepared for the business world by upskilling incarcerated persons and parolees to find employment and developing business plans to allow them to earn a living in the business world after their release. The programme is a free access initiative, open to the general public and therefore to people who are not attending the University. Th​e educational component pilot project entails SU lecturers and incarcerated participants learning with and from each other through dialogue and the sharing of experience.

By promoting educational and economic opportunities for the youth parolees, the project is further guided by the values and strategic themes embedded in SU's Vision 2040 as well as the National Development Plan. Similarly, all stakeholders benefit by learning from one another and sharing ideas, experiences, and knowledge.​

Further in​formation

Fact Sheet​ ​

Interested parties can obtain further information about the project in this regard, from:

Ms. Sher-Lee Arendse

Tel: +27 21 808-9941

Mr. Juan Ontong

Tel: +27 21 808-9230

Postal address: School of Accountancy, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602.