Opportunities in Accounting – Stellenbosch Thuthuka
The Thuthuka programme is the transformation project of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), aimed at motivating previously disadvantaged learners to pursue a career as Chartered Accountants (CA's). The bursary fund is aimed at increasing the number of African and Coloured students in this field and improving the pass rates by means of financial and other support. This under- and post-graduate bursary currently has both a bursary as well as a bursary loan component. A portion of the bursary loan is converted into a bursary depending on the student's academic performance.
When these BAcc. students attend the University, they receive comprehensive academic and non-academic support from the Stellenbosch Thuthuka programme. The students take part in various interactive life-skills and workplace readiness workshops. They are expected to take part in vacation work as well as in a community service project of their choice. The students are housed together in university accommodation for the duration of their studies.
Contact details
For more information about the Bachelor of Accounting degree or the Stellenbosch University Thuthuka Programme, please contact:
Bachelor of Accounting: Programme co-ordinators: Prof Stiaan Lambrecht and Ms Anne-Marie Eloff
Stellenbosch Thuthuka: Project managers: Mr A de Laan, Ms G Fortuin, Mr A Samuels and Mr OO Van Schalkwyk
Thuthuka Coordinator: Fayrouz Khan
Stellenbosch Thuthuka: Project manager
Email: amber@sun.ac.za
Tel: +27 (0)21 808 2342
Thuthuka Coordinator
Email: fayrouz@sun.ac.za
Tel: +27 (0)21 808 3400
Applications for 2025
Please visit www.thuthukabursaryfund.co.za.

The overriding theme by which the Stellenbosch Thuthuka programme is managed is:
- Commitment to yourself and the programme
- Taking responsibility for yourself, the programme and the broader community

What is Thuthuka?
Thuthuka is a transformation initiative of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) aimed at encouraging previously disadvantaged learners in schools to pursue a career in the Chartered Accountancy (CA) field. "Thuthuka" is a Zulu word that means "to develop" and it aims to transform South Africa's business leadership. Thuthuka consists of a number of education-related and community-based programmes. The programmes are implemented at different levels of education and training, ranging from school and university levels to post-graduate and workplace-ready levels.
What is the Thuthuka Bursary Fund?
The bursary fund is aimed at increasing the entry numbers and improving the pass rates of African and Coloured university students following the CA(SA) path by providing them with financial support and addressing their needs through comprehensive support programmes. The Thuthuka Bursary Fund supports an exciting collaboration that allows universities and the profession to effectively work together to achieve transformation.
The Thuthuka Programme at the Stellenbosch University
The programme incorporates a range of academic and additional support interventions for students. The interventions occur at various levels throughout the Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) degree, commencing with the induction of students. The programme specifically addresses the gaps and disparities in our educational/life experiences. Throughout the academic year, the students are required to participate in various transformation and support initiatives. These include:
- Mentorship: Every first year Thuthuka student is allocated to a Lecturer Mentor and remains with them throughout the programme including the honours year. Lists of senior students are made available for each subject to guide and advise other students. Senior students (those in their final year) are allocated to mentors from practice (firms) to guide the students through their last two years from a practise perspective.
- Individual Learning and Assistance Programme (ILP): This assists students with understanding the underlying principles and various topics covered in the four professional subjects (Financial Accounting, Taxation, Management Accounting/Financial Management and Auditing).
- Other areas/subjects: Students also attend classes and tutorials in other subject areas to broaden and enrich their skills and expertise.
In addition to academic support, students are required to participate in several interactive life-skills and workplace-readiness workshops. The students are also included in the Stellenbosch University Mentorship Programme.
Being part of this programme means that students' progress is monitored, where they have regular contact with the project manager and providing the appropriate interventions, being academic or otherwise. The project manager is responsible for overseeing the students' academic and social well-being. Close co-operation also exists with the other support initiatives within the University.
Students are required to do vacation work during at least one of the university holidays, as well as take part in a community involvement project of their choice.Stellenbosch Thuthuka is a sub-programme which
promotes the interests of Thuthukans who are committed to the community
and promoting the accounting profession.
Admission to the Thuthuka Bursary Fund at the Stellenbosch Thuthuka Programme
The application process has three stages. Firstly, an application form must be completed. Potential candidates are contacted to progress to the first level of the selection, which is a National Benchmark test. The test is used to assess linguistic skills, numeric skills and mathematics aptitude. Thereafter, the second level of the selection comprises an interview, which is generally scheduled before the end of the candidate's Grade 12 year. The final acceptance decision is dependent on the candidate meeting the minimum BAcc-admission requirements in respect of the Grade 12 final examination. These requirements are specified in the University calendar.
Contact details
For more information about the Bachelor of Accounting degree, Stellenbosch University's Thuthuka Programme or other support initiatives, please contact:
Bachelor of Accounting: Programme co-ordinator: Prof Stiaan Lambrecht and Ms Anne-Marie Eloff
Stellenbosch Thuthuka: Project manager: Mr Amber de Laan
Tel: +27 (0)21 808-3400
Address: University of Stellenbosch, School of Accountancy, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602
For more information about the Thuthuka Bursary Fund, please contact:
Bursary Fund Co-ordinator: Ms Teboho Moephudi
Tel: +27 (0)11 6216672
Address: Thuthuka Bursary Fund, PO Box 59875, Kengray 2100
Alternatively, contact the SAICA offices in Cape Town: +27 (0)21 417 2660
For more information about the Thuthuka Bursary Fund and the application forms, visit their website at: www.saica.co.za