​Equipment database DNA Sequencer

Covaris S2 Focused ultrasonicator

Model:                 S2

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Deliver controlled, focused acoustic energy to a range of samples types

Purpose:              DNA and RNA shearing, cell lysis


Eppendorf Refrigerated Centrifuge

Model:                 5804R

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Refrigerated centrifugation for samples in plate format

Purpose:              Separation of particles from solution according to size, shape, density and viscosity


Agilent BioAnalyzer

Model:                 2100

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Chip-based capillary electrophoresis of DNA, RNA and protein

Purpose:              Fragment analysis, quantification, and quality control of DNA, RNA and protein


Class II Biological Safety Cabinet


Model:                 LabGard ES NU-437S

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Protection against contamination of samples, environment, and personnel

Purpose:              Reduce potential for exposure of product/ personnel to airborne biological agents


Tecan liquid handler

Model:                 Freedom evo

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Liquid handling with robotic functionality for general purpose pipetting

Purpose:              Laboratory process automation


Qubit 4 Fluorometer

Model:                 4.0

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Detection of fluorescent dyes that bind to specific target molecules

Purpose:              Precision fluorometric quantification of DNA, RNA and protein


PerkinElmer LabChip Nucleic Acid Analyzer

Model:                 GX Touch 24

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Automated microfluidic capillary electrophoresis

Purpose:              Quantification and sizing of DNA and RNA


MiniAmp Thermal cycler

Model:                 MiniAmp

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Programmed temperature regulation in for denaturation and reannealing of DNA

Purpose:              Amplify DNA and RNA

Agilent 2200 TapeStation


Model:                 2200

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Automated electrophoresis platform

Purpose:              Sizing, quantification and quality control of RNA and DNA for downstream workflows


GeneAmp 9700 PCR system

Model:                 9700

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Programmed temperature regulation in for denaturation and reannealing of DNA

Purpose:              Amplify DNA and RNA

Sage Science Pippen Prep

Model:                 Pippen Prep

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Automated agarose gel electrophoresis

Purpose:              Size selection of nucleic acids for sequencing workflows


NanoDrop spectrophotometer

Model:                 ND-1000

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Spectrophotometric microvolume quantitation of nucleic acids and proteins

Purpose:              Quantify and assess purity of DNA, RNA and proteins

Step One Plus Real-time PCR system


Model:                 Step One Plus

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Amplification and fluorometric real-time quantification of double stranded DNA

Purpose:              Closed system genotyping and quantification of amplifying DNA



Verity Thermal cycler

Model:                 Verity

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Programmed temperature regulation in for denaturation and reannealing of DNA

Purpose:              Amplify DNA and RNA

3730xl DNA Analyser


Model:                 3730xl

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             High-throughput capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection

Purpose:              Sequencing and fragment analysis including microsatellites, AFLP, SNP analysis


3500xl Genetic Analyzer


Model:                 3500xl

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Medium-throughput capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection

Purpose:              Sequencing and fragment analysis including microsatellites, AFLP, SNP analysis

GeneTitan Multi-Channel instrument

Model:                 GeneTitan

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Microarray processing

Purpose:              Genotyping and expression studies

Ion Personal Genome Machine


Model:                 PGM

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Massively parallel DNA fragment sequencing

Purpose:              Targeted DNA and RNA sequencing, copy number analysis, small RNA sequencing, de novo microbial sequencing, genotyping by sequencing, ChIP sequencing

Ion GeneStudio S5 Prime


Model:                 Prime

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Massively parallel DNA fragment sequencing

Purpose:              Targeted DNA and RNA sequencing; copy number analysis, small RNA sequencing, de novo microbial sequencing, genotyping by sequencing, ChIP sequencing, exome and transcriptome sequencing


Proton Semiconductor sequencer


Model:                 Proton

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Massively parallel DNA fragment sequencing

Purpose:              Targeted DNA and RNA sequencing; copy number analysis, small RNA sequencing, de novo microbial sequencing, genotyping by sequencing, ChIP sequencing, exome and transcriptome sequencing


Ion S5 Semiconductor Sequencer

Model:                 S5

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Massively parallel DNA fragment sequencing

Purpose:              Targeted DNA and RNA sequencing; copy number analysis, small RNA sequencing, de novo microbial sequencing, genotyping by sequencing, ChIP sequencing, exome and transcriptome sequencing

Ion Chef™ Instrument


Model:                 Chef

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Closed system, robotic liquid handler

Purpose:              Automated library preparation, template preparation, and chip loading for sequencing of ion sphere particles on semiconductor sequencers

AB Library Builder


Model:                 Library builder

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Automation of library preparation or DNA extraction protocols

Purpose:              Library preparation for massively parallel sequencing applications or DNA extraction



Nuaire Glacier -86 Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer

Model:                 Glacier

Location:             Stellenbosch, Van der Bijl Street, JC Smuts building, Lab B102

Function:             Ultralow freezer

Purpose:              Preserve samples at ultralow (-80 Degrees) freezing ranges