Centre for Health Professions Education
For more information on research completed within the Centre for Health Professions Education, please click on the link below:http://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/healthsciences/chpe/Pages/HPE_research.aspx
Articles / opinion pieces about teaching for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
DANIELS K, FORINDER U, CLARKE M, SNYMAN ISDW, RINGSBERG KC. Preschool children's healthy lifestyles: South African parents' and preschool staff perceptions. Health education journal 2016; 2016:1-14.
LEIBOWITZ BL, BOZALEK V, FARMER JL, GARRAWAY JW, HERMAN N, JAWITZ J, MCMILLAN W, MISTRI G, NDEBELE C, NKONKI V, QUINN L, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, VORSTER J, WINBERG C. Collaborative research in contexts of inequality: the role of social reflexivity. Higher education 2016; 2016:1-16.
LEONARDI M, SYKES CR, MADDEN RC, NAPEL H, HOLLENWEGER J, SNYMAN ISDW, MADDEN RH, DE CAMARGO OK, RAGGI A, VAN GOOL CH, MARTINUZZI A. Do we really need to open a classification box on personal factors in ICF?. DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 2016; 38(13):1327-1328.
MCCULLOCH A, KUMAR V, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, WISKER G. Excellence in doctoral supervision: an examination of authoritative sources across four countries in search of performance higher than competence.Quality in Higher Education 2016; 22(1):64-77.
MEYER R, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, PRAKASCHANDRA R. The operating room as a clinical learning environment: An exploratory study. Nursing Education Perspectives 2016; 18:60-72.
MUBUUKE AG, LOUW AJN, VAN SCHALKWYK SC. Utilizing students' experiences and opinions of feedback during problem based learning tutorials to develop a facilitator feedback guide: an exploratory qualitative study. BMC Medical Education 2016; 16:1-7.
MURDOCH-EATON D, LOUW AJN, BEZUIDENHOUT J. Effect of curriculum changes to enhance generic skills proficiency of 1st-year medical students. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2016; 8(1):15-19.
PARRIS DL, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, ERNSTZEN DV. Home-based rehabilitation: Physiotherapy student and client perspectives. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2016; 8(1):59-64.
TAN PHOAY LAY C, VAN SCHALKWYK SC, BEZUIDENHOUT J, CILLIERS FJ. Mapping undergraduate exit-level assessment in a medical programme: A blueprint for clinical competence?. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2016; 8(1):45-49.
VAN SCHALKWYK SC, MCMILLAN W. 'I have a chameleon-like existence': A duoethnographic account of border crossing by two academic development practitioners. South African Journal of Higher Education 2016;30(6):207-223.
VAN SCHALKWYK SC, MURDOCH-EATON D, TEKIAN A, VAN DER VLEUTEN CPM, CILLIERS FJ. The supervisor's toolkit: A framework for doctoral supervision in health professions education: AMEE Guide no 14. MEDICAL TEACHER 2016; 2016:1-14.
Chapters in Books
LOUW AJN, ARCHER E. Developing higher education curriculum in the health sciences context. In: FRICK BL, TRAFFORD VN, FOURIE-MALHERBE M (eds.) Being Scholarly Festschrift in honour of the work of Eli M Bitzer, SUN MeDia, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 107-114.
SNYMAN ISDW, VAN ZYL ME, MULLER JV, GELDENHUYS M. International Classification of functioning, disability and Health: Catalyst for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. In: Forman D, Thistlethwaite J, Jones M (eds.) Leading research and evaluation in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom, 2016: 285-328.
VAN SCHALKWYK SC. Academic literacy revisited: a space for emerging postgraduate voices?. In: FRICK BL, TRAFFORD VN, FOURIE-MALHERBE M (eds.) Being Scholarly Festschrift in honour of the work of Eli M Bitzer, SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2016: 145-153.
PhD's completed in health professions education
ARCHER E. Engaging patient-centredness in an undergraduate medical curriculum. PhD, 2016. 267 pp.
Masters completed
BOTHA GC. The status of curriculum in mapping undergraduate programmes in South Africa. MPhil HSE, 2016. 110 pp.
GEIGER JD. Learning about paediatric HIV an TB care - exploring participant experience and perceptions to apply what they have learnt in a blended learning course. MPhil HSE, 2016. 79 pp.
MASAVA B. Student Nurses' experience of feedback during clinical learning at a rural nursing school: An exploratory study. MPhil HSE, 2016. 84 pp.
OOKO FO. Alienation and engagement as framework for characterizing registrar's perceptions of their learning environment: An exploratory qualitative study. MPhil HSE, 2016. 74 pp.
RAMBIRITCH V. Professionalism for intern blood transfusion biomedical technologists - An exploration of perceptions and potential teaching strategies. MPhil HSE, 2016. 50 pp.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Van Schalkwyk SC. Medical Education to strengthen health systems in Africa: MEPI as a catalyst for change. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2015;7(1):68-69.
Voss M, Coetzee JF, Conradie H, Van Schalkwyk SC. 'We have to flap our wings or fall to the ground': The experiences of medical students on a longitudinal integrated clinical model. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2015;7(1):119-124
Van Schalkwyk SC, Kok N, Conradie HH, Van Heerden BB. Academic achievement of final-year medical students on a rural clinical platform: Can we dispel the myths? African Journal of Health Professions Education 2015;7(1):115-118
Van Schalkyk SC, Bezuidenhout J, De Villiers MR. Understanding rural clinical learning spaces: Being and becoming a doctor. Medical Teacher 2015;37: 589-594
Kiguli-Malwadde E, Talib ZM, Wohltjen H, Connors SC, Gandari J, Banda SS, Maggio LA, Van Schalkwyk SC. Medical education departments: a study of four medical schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Medical Edcuation 2015, 15: 109
Snyman S, Von Pressentin KB, Clarke M. (2015). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Catalyst for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(4), 313–319. doi:10.3109/13561820.2015.1004041
Disability and Rehabilitation, Early online (October), 1–2. doi:10.3109/09638288.2015.1089604
Van Schalkwyk SC, Leibowitz BL, Herman N, Farmer J. Reflections on professional learning: Choices, context and culture. Studies in Educational Evaluation 2015; 46
: 4-10
Young T, Rohwer A, Van Schalkwyk SC, Volmink J, Clarke M. Patience, Persistence and Pragmatism: Experiences and Lessons Learnt from the implementation of clinical integrated teaching and learning of Evidence-Based Health care – A qualitative study. Plos One 2015, June 25: 1-19
Louw AJN, De Villiers A. Teaching first aid in high schools: The impact on students in the health sciences extended degree programme. South African Journal of Higher Education 2015; 29 (1): 198-210.
Leibowitz B, Bozalek V, Van Schalkwyk SC, Winberg C. Institutional context matters: the professional development of academics as teachers in South African higher education. Higher Education 2015; 69 (2): 315-330
Frantz MJ, Bezuidenhout J, Burch CV, Mthembu S, Rowe M, Tan C, Van Wyk J, Van Heerden BB. The impact of a faculty development programme for health professions educators in sub-Saharan Africa: an archival study. BMC Medical Education
Chapters in Books
De Villiers M; Van Schalkwyk S. (2015). How to facilitate small-group learning. In: Mash B & J Blitz. (eds). South Africa Family Practice Manual (3rd. ed.). Van Schaik: Pretoria. 603-605.
Bezuidenhout J; Van Schalkwyk S. (2015). Developing the research question: setting the course for your research travels. In: Cleland, J & S Durning. (eds). Researching Medical Education. 35-42.
Hean S, Doucet S, Bainbridge L, Ball V, Anderson L, Baldwin C, Green C, Pitt R, Snyman S, Schmidtt S, Clark P, Gilbert J Oandasan I. (2015). Theoretical Approaches to Interprofessional Client-Centered Collaborative Practice. In C. Orchard & L. Bainbridge (Eds.), Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice: What Does it Look Like? How Can it be Achieved? Nova Science Publishers. Retrieved from: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=56064&osCsid=2ffa3cc44dfda623877ef9c2d5373a50.
Michael, J. (2006). "Where's the evidence that active learning works? Adv Physiol Educ 30: 159–167.
Abstract: Michael calls for reforms in the ways we teach science at all levels, and in all disciplines, are wide spread. The effectiveness of the changes being called for, employment of student-centered, active learning pedagogy, is now well supported by evidence. The relevant data have come from a number of different disciplines that include the learning sciences, cognitive psychology, and educational psychology. There is a growing body of research within specific scientific teaching communities that supports and validates the new approaches to teaching that have been adopted. These data are reviewed, and their applicability to physiology education is discussed. Some of the inherent limitations of research about teaching and learning are also discussed.