Vir die eerste keer ooit! Universiteit Stellenbosch Parlement Week - 11-15 Augustus 2014.
Ons hou vie die eeste keer ooit 'n Parlement Week in Stellenbosch tussen 11 en 15 Augustus. Die idee agter die week is om studente opgewonde te maak oor politiek en hulle aanmoedig om deel te neem wanneer dit kom by sake soos deursigtigheid, aanspreeklikheid en demokrasie. Ons tema is "Raak Betrokke" met die doel om burgerskap onder studente te bevorder.
Die Agenda:
Maandag, 11 Augustus
Opening patry of Parliament Week
Politics is a dangerous game, It might even be scandelous
Venue: The Happy Oak
Time: 20:30
Theme: Political Scandal
Dress Code: Semi Formal
Refreshments available.
Dinsdag, 12 Augustus
Please inbox us on Facebook if you are interested. Send us you Name, Student Number and ID.
Woensdag, 13 Augustus
The First Year Forum presents:
Soapbox Wednesday Lunch
On the Rooiplein, 12h45 to 13h45
Residents traditions necessary or just resisting change
Does residents loyalty lead to the development of an elitist attitude of us and them amongst students?
Is racsism a issue which need a attention in Stellenbosch or are there more pressing social issues, if so what?
Does the desparity in the attention that is given to resident and pso leave students feeling residents students are more important than those of PSO?
As an student do you feel that there are certain degrees such as Ba that are of a lesser value than other degrees?
Is the language policy at SU bringing students of different cultures closer together or further apart?
This generation of young students are seen as being apathetic, is this true?
Donderdag, 14 Augustus
Joint event with SPOSSA.