The laser ablation ICP-MS division has 2 Resolution 193nm Excimer lasers that can be interfaced with a Thermo Element 2 SF ICP-MS for U-(Th)-Pb isotope ratio measurements in mostly zircon and monazite, with the purpose of dating specific geological events, or interfaced with an Agilent Q ICP-MS or QQQ ICP-MS to measure in-situ or whole rock trace elements.
Agilent 7900

Agilent 8800
Riana busy connecting the sample introduction parts of the QQQ ICP-MS after cleaning.
| The Solution ICP-MS division has an Agilent 7900 Q ICP-MS and Thermo ICap 6200 ICP-AES to measure major, trace and ultra-trace elements in water and beverage samples, as well as digested plant, food and meat samples. The laboratory air is HEPA filtered and kept under positive pressure to ensure a trace clean working environment.
The Vario EL Cube Elemental Analyzer from Elementar can measure C, H, N & S in a variety of samples, including soil, pharmaceutical, animal tissue, food & bio-fuel, with sample sizes from 1mg to ~ 1g. | Pananalytical Axio WDXRF spectrometer. |