Equipment database ICP-MS & XRF
Resolution 193nm Excimer laser – model SE-50

Room 1017 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
It is interfaced with a Thermo Scientific Element 2 SF ICP-MS for U-(Th)-Pb isotope ratio measurements in mostly zircon and monazite, with the purpose of dating specific geological events.
Resolution 193nm Excimer laser – model LR-50

Room 1017 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
It is interfaced with an Agilent 7700 Q-ICP-MS or 8800 QQQ ICP-MS for trace element measurements in fused whole-rock glasses, individual mineral grains or biological material such as teeth or skeletons.
Thermo Scientific Element 2 SF ICP-MS

Room 1017 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
It is interfaced with a Resolution 193nm Excimer laser for U-(Th)-Pb isotope ratio measurements in mostly zircon and monazite, with the purpose of dating specific geological events.
Agilent 7700 Quadrupole ICP-MS

Room 1017 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
It is interfaced with a Resolution 193nm Excimer laser for trace element measurements in fused whole-rock glasses, individual mineral grains or biological material such as teeth or skeletons.
Agilent 8800 QQQ ICP-MS

Room 1017 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
The instrument can be interfaced with a Resolution 193nm Excimer laser for trace element and selected isotope ratio measurements in individual mineral grains or biological material. It can also be used in solution mode for water, beverages and environmental samples.
Agilent 7900 Quadrupole ICP-MS

Room 1014 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
The instrument is housed in a HEPA-filtered laboratory with positive air pressure to allow trace element measurements down to ppt levels in water, seawater and beverages, as well as any biological or soil material than can be digested into a solution. Along with an ICP-AES instrument it allows quantification of most elements on the periodic table from ppt to percentage levels.
Thermo Scientific iCAP 6200

Room 1014 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
The instrument measures minor and major elements in water, seawater and beverages, as well as any biological or soil material than can be digested into a solution. Along with an ICP-MS instrument it allows quantification of most elements on the periodic table from ppt to percentage levels.
Panalytical Axios XRF

Room 3016 – Lombardi Building, Cnr Victoria & Neethling Str
The instrument can measure low ppm to high percentages of the elements fluorine to uranium in a large variety of samples ranging from bulk rock, mineralized sediments, or industrial materials such as cement and slags.
Elementar Vario EL Cube Elemental Analyser

Room 1021 – Earth Sciences Dept, Cnr Ryneveld & Merriman Str
The elemental analyser can measure C, H, N & S in a variety of samples, including soil, pharmaceutical, animal tissue, food & bio-fuel, with sample sizes from 1mg to ~ 1g. Protein determination can be done by applying a correction factor to the measured nitrogen content of your food or animal feed sample. This is much quicker than the traditional Kjeldahl method.