CT Scanner
The CT Scanner unit in the Western Cape at Stellenbosch University offers amazing technology with limitless capabilities... CT Scanning, Computed Tomography, X-ray Tomography, X-ray Microscopy, Micro-CT, Industrial CT, 3D Scanning.
As a CT scan service provider, our aim is to provide a high-quality 3D imaging and analysis service, with fast turnaround times. We welcome clients from both academia and industry from all over South Africa, as well as international clients.
We also do 3D data analysis and image processing from any 3D data sets, eg full 3D rendering from obscure 3D data by manual segmentation. Our facility uses General Electric Phoenix VTomeX L240 microCT scanner, with Datos reconstruction software and 3D analysis is done using software Volume Graphics VGStudioMax with all available advanced modules including reconstruction option. We also use FEI Avizo Fire and Simpleware.
High resolution industrial CT scans for non-destructive testing in 3D, specific routine services are listed below:
- Defect detection: image slices provide high contrast viewing of insides to ensure parts are defect-free
- 3D imaging of enclosed materials (eg. fibres, inclusions or voids inside materials - to see the orientation, distribution and 3D shapes)
- High resolution scans: as low as 2 microns
Large part scans: as large as 600 x 300 x 300 mm, but with some special effort up to 1000 x 600 x 600 mm possible at 150 micron resolution - Porosity determination: porosity measured volumetrically which holds advantages
- Absolute density calibration: providing full 3D values for density in g/cm3 – this is a new method we have developed, mainly for plastics.
- Surface scans: Accurate extraction of surfaces of objects for reverse engineering, best for plastics.
- Artefact scan: high value and unique artefacts are scanned and printed in 3D in plastics, magnification is possible.
- Cross referencing: we offer cross referencing of our scans with other local and international CT scan labs, as well as combining our analysis with other analytical tools.
Please see our facility description paper here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168583X16303433
We kindly request academic users to cite this paper when referring to work done at our facility.
The CT Scanner Unit is proud members of: